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Title: | 華語文教學之跨文化溝通能力指標研究 ───以《歐洲共同語文參考架構》為基礎 Intercultural Communicative Competence in Chinese Language Teaching. An Analysis of “can do” descriptors according to the Guidelines of the CEFR |
Authors: | 黃雅英 Huang,Ya Ying |
Contributors: | 謝林德 Schilling, Dennis 黃雅英 Huang,Ya Ying |
Keywords: | 華語文教學 華語文文化教學 跨文化溝通能力 能力指標 歐洲共同語文參考架構 多元語文主張 多元語文與多元文化能力 Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Teaching Chinese Culture Intercultural Communicative Competence Can-do-descriptors The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Plurilingualism Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-25 15:20:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文目的在透過CEFR can do能力指標的跨文化溝通能力內涵分析,以提供華語文教學根據CEFR進行跨文化溝通能力教學時的具體建議。兼採質性研究與量化統計的方式來探討跨文化溝通能力的本質與內涵。 首先,在質性研究的部分,探討跨文化溝通理論與研究途徑、跨文化溝通能力內涵性質、文化教學與外語教學的異同及其整合方案,以及CEFR多元語文能力和跨文化溝通能力之間的關係。其次,在實務研究部分,蒐集相關資源並探討實務發展現況,如:課程訓練模式、測驗發展項目、教材資源等成果,輔以半結構式訪談與課室觀察的實際案例蒐集。再次,結合上述理論與實務的探討,參考CEFR設計出三大主軸的內容分析類目表。 最後,以這些分類工具分別探討CEFR “can do” 能力指標中的:「跨文化溝通能力目標」、「華人社會文化內涵」以及指標任務涉及的「認知歷程與知識範疇」,並整合內容分析結果,提出以跨文化溝通能力為目標的華語文教學課程建議。主要研究結果與發現如下: (一) 指標中的跨文化溝通能力目標: 1. The appearance rate of ICC in 385 can do descriptors:跨文化溝通能力指標在385條溝通能力指標中,就占了191條,the appearance rate of ICC is 49.6%,將近一半,由此可見,跨文化溝通能力的高低是影響學生能否順利完成CEFR can do 任務的重要因素,而從B2開始,跨文化溝通能力指標的比重均超過一般的溝通能力指標,到了C2階段,跨文化溝通能力指標與一般溝通能力指標的比例是48:13,從B2開始,能力指標對於跨文化溝通能力的要求是越來越高的,但此種隨語言能力遞增的跨文化溝通能力概念與實際上多元語文與多元文化能力的特質不符,也就是根據CEFR所強調的多元的內外在語言文化能力,是一種平衡、調節多元能力的綜合應用能力。語言能力不足的學習者更需要使用語言能力以外的其他能力來達成任務,而語言能力高的外語學習者,可以依賴較多的語言能力,而不太需要借助其他跨文化溝通能力來達成任務,此外,也忽略了成人外語學習者從其母語與生活學習經驗所累積的跨文化溝通能力。 2. 三大範疇比重:技能類能力指標占45%,認知類占43%,最少的是跨文化溝通情意類的能力指標,只占12%。但情意範疇卻是調解跨文化知識與技能的重要樞紐,建議宜加強跨文化溝通情意範疇的語言教學活動。 3. 階段分布與建議:初級階段(A1、A2)需要多補充跨文化溝通能力的教學,尤其是情意範疇的活動,而A2到B1時,跨文化溝通能力的指標比重成長了21.84%,是增加幅度最多的階段,建議可於A2到B1階段開設以跨文化溝通能力為目標的銜接課程。 (二) 指標中的華人社會與文化內涵(特定跨文化溝通認知,SCICC): 1. 整體分布情形:華人社會文化內涵的指標總數共 122 條,占整體指標的31.68 %。雖然CEFRcan do指標並非針對任何特定語言而定,但仍有一定比重的溝通指標任務會牽涉到特定的文化內涵。也就是雖然跨文化溝通能力強調動態多元的綜合調適能力,但也需要一定的特定文化內涵作為提升跨文化認知與跨文化敏感度的基礎。 2. 四大項度的分布情形: (1) 背景知識文化主要分布於B1、C1、C2,且主要集中於C2階段 (2) 語言結構文化主要分布於A2、B2、C1、C2,主要集中於C1階段 (3) 社會行為文化主要分布於A2、B2、C1,且主要集中於B2階段 (4) 精神價值文化分布於A1到C2階段,且主要集中於C2階段 3. 階段分佈與建議:欲達成初級階段任務,教學時至少需補充語言結構文化(部件結構)、社會行為文化(正向禮貌)的內涵,而B2到C1階段時,精神價值文化類的指標比重成長了20.52%,建議B2跨C1階段可加強價值觀討論或反思活動以提升跨文化溝通的情意能力,好達到C1階段的任務要求。 (三) 初級指標中的跨文化溝通能力活動: 1. 整體分布情形:初級階段最缺乏的是「4.3歸因」類的認知活動,整體指標缺乏的則是「6.1醞釀」類的認知活動 2. 認知歷程分佈情形:A1與A2階段均以低層次的認知活動為主,難以達到需透過高層次認知活動才能培養的跨文化意識,建議A1階段可補充比較、分類的活動。比其A1階段,A2階段的認知活動雖然較為多元,例如有「2.3分類」、 「4.1 分辨」、「5.2評論」類等認知活動,但卻缺乏「4.3歸因」類的認知活動,此結果可能加深原有的刻板印象,故建議補充「4.3歸因」的練習活動。 3. 知識範疇分佈情形:初級階段著重於「Ab. 特定整體和元素的知識」偏向靜態的內容知識,這對於動態的跨文化溝通能力發展效益是有限的,建議從情意層面補充去自我中心的問題與討論或是多元視角的調查活動,以提供一個較為多元彈性的語言文化視野。 為了梳理以跨文化溝通能力為宗旨的華語文階段性教學目標,本文分別探討跨文化溝通能力的本質內涵、實務現況與參考工具,並彙整理論與實務成果建構跨文化溝通能力內涵的分析工具與類目,最後根據385條華語文溝通能力指標的分析結果提供CEFR、跨文化溝通能力以及華語文教學研究者之參考。 This study aims to provide specific suggestions for teaching Chinese culture within the curriculum of Chinese language education in order to develop intercultural competence(ICC)of foreign students. The study takes the Common European Framework of References for Languages(CEFR)as its subject of analysis. The overall 385 descriptions of the CEFR outlines certain components of linguistic and cultural competence in various students’ tasks, class room activities and participation, and teachers’ instructions along different levels (A1 to C2). Based on the taxonomy of educational objectives developed by B.S. Bloom and others as well as further research in educational taxonomy, the present study discusses how intercultural competence is presented in various practices of language teaching and learning and tries to design a conceptual grounding for curriculum designs of teaching Chinese culture which is embedded in Chinese language teaching and which aims to incorporate developing ICC at the same time. To do this, the 385 CEFR “Can-do-descriptors” for language teaching and learning will be analyzed according to their significance for developing ICC. In detail, the present study applies a comprehensive survey through the research of teaching culture in foreign language education and conducts a detailed analysis of the CEFR Can-do-descriptors. The present study can be subdivided into three main sections and which comprises content analyses as quantitative examinations as well: Theoretical discussion: The conceptual and theoretical background of language teaching and developing ICC behind the pedagogical recommendations will be discussed. This includes detailed discussions on the main concepts and pedagogical aims in resent studies on teaching culture, like plurilingualism and intercultural communicative competence, and their mutual relationship. Examination of teaching practices: Curricular patterns, examinations and teaching material design recommended in the CEFR will be surveyed and their application for developing ICC examined. Real case studies, class observations and semi-structured interviews complete this analysis. Developing ICC in TCSL: A taxonomy of descriptors for developing ICC will be given based on the results of the conceptual analyses and the examinations of teaching practices. Based on this taxonomy, indicators for a curriculum for developing ICC in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL) will be developed. The major findings of this study may be summarized as follows: I. How do activities and practices outlined by the 385 “Can-do-descriptors” of the CEFR contribute to developing ICC? The analysis shows a remarkable uneven distribution: In general, the appearance rate of activities and practices for developing ICC in the overall 385 Can-do-descriptors is relatively high. Almost every second descriptor (49.6% of all descriptors in detail) contribute to developing of ICC. This shows that ICC is regarded as an important factor in the CEFR pedagogical aims of language learning and teaching. However, a great amount of tasks, practices and activities aimed for developing ICC start at a relatively high level (B2) of linguistic competence. For instance, the ratio between descriptors which contribute to ICC pedagogy and descriptors which do not make a contribution constitute 48:13 at the C2 level. It seems that developing ICC becomes important at a higher level, but it is much less involved at the basic levels of linguistic competence (Breakthrough, Way Stage, and Threshold). Actual communicative activities, however, gives a different picture of the needs of language learners. According to the CEFR, plurilingual and pluricultural competence is not in accordance with linguistic competences. Language learners who have less linguistic competences will be forced to utilize more strategies to carry out the same task than those who have greater linguistic competences. The various cognitive and emotive components of ICC are unevenly presented in the 385 Can-do-descriptors: AICC (affective ICC) appears much less than CICC (cognitive ICC) and BICC (behavioral ICC) in the tasks and activities outlined by the 385 descriptors (AICC: 12%; BICC:45%; CICC: 43%). AICC, however, plays an important role in mediating between CICC and BICC. Therefore, a reinforcement of tasks and activities which aims to develop AICC is recommended in curricula of TCSL. Reinforcement of tasks and activities for developing ICC at the lower levels: In order to develop ICC of Chinese language learners, specific courses for developing ICC should be integrated into the curriculum at breakthrough (A1) and way stage (A2) level. II. How should Chinese language teachers incorporate specific knowledge about Chinese culture in their language teaching according to the “385 Can-do- descriptors?: Almost a third of the 385 Can-do- descriptors apply to specific cultural knowledge (31.68 % of all descriptors). Many tasks imply certain “communication indicators” which involve certain specific cultural connotations. That means that although intercultural communicative competence is emphasized, some specific cultural connotations are needed in order to enhance intercultural awareness and intercultural sensitivity. In the "385 Can-do-descriptors four different main categories of specific knowledge can be distinguished: “Cultural background knowledge” is mainly applied at a higher level (B1, C1, C2). A concentration lies at C2 level. References to “cultural linguistic knowledge” are given at different levels (A2, B2, C1, C2), but concentrate on a higher level (C1). “Cultural and social behavior knowledge” is subject of language teaching at an intermediate level (A2, B2, C1), but there is a focus at level B2. “Spiritual cultural knowledge” is involved at all levels, but references are mainly done at a higher level (C2). Therefore, to develop ICC at the beginners’ level, specific tasks and activities which supplement cultural linguistic knowledge and cultural social behavior knowledge should be designed. Furthermore, at the borderline between intermediate and advanced levels (from B2 to C1), discussions and reflections should be intensified in order to enhance “intercultural communication affective competence” according to the requirements of tasks at C1 level. III. Further recommendations for teaching beginners: Cultural awareness can be developed through high level cognitive activities. The result of the present analyses show, however, that crucial cognitive activities are not applied at the beginners’ levels. Instead, we find that mainly low-level cognitive activities are practiced at the beginners’ level. Therefore, we recommended that Chinese language teacher should design tasks and activities which address certain cognitive activities as “classifying”, “differentiating”, “criticizing” and so on. Furthermore, since tasks and activities which address cognitive activities which help to break up cultural stereotypes, for example, “attributing”, it is suggested to add tasks to develop these cognitive activities at the beginners’ level (A2), too. We will find different kinds of cultural knowledge at the beginners’ level. At the beginners’ level (A1 and A2), however, a focus lies on “knowledge of specific details and elements” which strengthens forms of a static and content based knowledge. This may be negatively affect the development of ICC. Thus, Chinese language teachers should add tasks and activities which develop affective domains of ICC in order to remove cultural self-centeredness at the beginners. Cultural empathy and respect should be developed in order to explore pluralistic perspectives. This can be done through investigative activities which provide diverse and flexible perspectives on language and culture. |
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