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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/69188
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    Title: 內部控制品質與會計穩健性之關聯:以中國證券市場為證據
    The Association between Internal Control Quality and Accounting Conservatism:Evidence from China Market
    Authors: 黃郁涵
    Contributors: 梁嘉紋
    Keywords: 會計穩健性
    Internal control
    Basu model
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-25 15:15:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 直到2010年中國大陸才有一套較完整的內部控制相關規範,近年來有關中國企業內部控制相關的議題也受到很多重視。中國市場是近年來很受重視的市場,然而我們對於蓬勃發展的中國市場是否具有會計穩健性,以及中國企業的盈餘品質等特性卻不甚瞭解。因此,本研究以中國市場為研究對象,探討企業內部控制品質的好壞是否影響企業的會計穩健性。本研究之實證結果發現,中國市場整體而言雖具有會計穩健性,然而企業內部控制品質的好壞與企業穩健性之間不具有統計上之顯著關聯性,顯示中國企業的內部控制品質的提升無法有效提升企業的會計穩健性,無法使管理者更快速的認列壞消息。
    The laws and regulations of internal control in China aren’t developed so complete and detailed until 2010. The issues about internal control of those companies in China receive much attention in these years. People gradually pay attention to China market, but little is known about the earnings characteristics of China market, such as accounting conservatism and earnings quality.
    Consequently, this research focuses on whether the internal control quality of those companies in China affects accounting conservatism of theirs. The empirical research finds that China market has the characteristic of accounting conservatism in general, but the association between the internal control quality and accounting conservatism is not statistically significant. The results do not support that those companies in China which have better internal control quality enhance their managers using accounting conservatism to recognize bad news more timely.
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