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Title: | 環境正義視野下的流域治理---石門水庫集水區上游泰雅族部落永續發展策略之行動研究---以整合式空間資訊系統輔助流域治理政策之研究(I) |
Other Titles: | A Supporting Integrated Geomatics System for the Decision Making in Watershed Management (I) |
Authors: | 林士淵;黃灝雄 |
Contributors: | 地政學系 |
Keywords: | 數值地形模型;土地使用/覆蓋變遷;規劃支援系統;大眾參與式地理資訊系統 Digital Terrain Model;Land Use/Cover Change;Planning Support System;Public Participation Geographic Information Systems |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-21 09:25:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 對於石門水庫集水區馬里光溪流域泰雅族部落之資源利用與環境永續之議題,本計畫擬從量化研究面向切入分析,描述「人/地」之間的關係,以及在不同時期這種關係的變化,作為永續流域治理策略制定之參考依據。 本子計畫第一年之研究目的為研究區之多元且多時期數值地形模型之製作與整合。透過多重來源製成之地形模型,可確實掌握研究區的真實地表起伏;而多時期數值地形模型的製作,將可偵測該地區之地形變遷。最後利用三維表面套合技術,整合所有數值地形模型,做為本計畫後續空間分析及整合平台的基準地形資料。 第二年計畫將以第一年的地形成果為基礎,製作多時期之正射影像,再利用影像分類技術,判釋不同時期土地利用/覆蓋變遷發展的趨勢、規模與時空關係。另外,亦將設計並建置一套空間資訊整合及展示系統,以及可快速存取與查詢四維資料之資料庫,讓子計畫之間能夠自由存取其所使用的資料或是調查的成果,以達資源共享以及後續資源整合的目的。 第三年將以第二年之空間資訊整合展示平台以及資料庫成果為架構,建置大眾參與式地理資訊系統以及規劃支援系統,期能在計畫的最後階段,透過部落居民與各子計畫研究團隊的參與,討論出流域治理政策制定的具體建議。 A watershed management considering existence of local indigenous community and sustainable environment is critical. To support the policymaking, a system integrated various geomatics techniques and GIS is proposed. The system will be established in three years and working with the other five projects to decide policy of watershed management. It is proposed to produce multi-resource and multi-temporal digital terrain model covering the target area in the first year. First of all, ASTER and SRTM global DTMs will be introduced. As they were created from different sources and have different characteristics, they will be fused to generate a more comprehensive topographic product and will be treated as the reference terrain for the whole spatial data applied in the project. The other set of spaceborne data, including high-resolution imagery and synthetic aperture radar (SAR), is also proposed for DTM creation. To observe more detailed terrain features, airborne stereo imagery and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) instrument are used to produce DTMs with smaller spacing grid. Once the multiple DTMs are created, a surface matching will be applied to co-register all the topographic data so that they can be displayed and observed based on the same reference system. In the second year, multi-temporal ortho-rectified imagery will be produced based on the resultant DTMs. These images will then be used to detect change of land use/cover over the target area. The trend and magnitude of the change will be determined and factors causing the change can be further examined. In addition to the topographic datasets employed in this project, other spatial datasets (and corresponding attributes) are required or produced from other team groups. Therefore a geo-database and a data sharing platform are established. To accommodate all spatial and non-spatial data collected by other team groups, also considering the characteristics of 4D topographic datasets provided by this project, the design of the geo-database structure will be evaluated. Subsequently, an interface will be developed for all team groups to access, share and query the data efficiently. The results will be the prototype of the system developed next year. To broaden public involvement in policymaking of watershed management, public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) together with a planning support system (PSS) are proposed in the third year’s project. The establishment of the systems will be based on the geo-database and the data sharing interface provided from the second year’s project. Using the system, the visualization of 4D topographic datasets and other spatial information can be realized. It will also allow local indigenous communities to manipulate all the datasets straightforward by themselves. Furthermore, the qualitative and quantitative results affecting watershed management derived from other team groups will be converted to analyzable parameters and then input to the PSS. By changing the set of the parameters, different policies of watershed management are formed and the change of land use/cover will be simulated in PSS accordingly. After discussing and analyzing using the provided PPGIS and PSS, a conclusive decision will be made in watershed management in the end. |
Relation: | 行政院國家科學委員會 計畫編號NSC99-2621-M004-005 |
Data Type: | report |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 國科會研究計畫
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