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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/68566

    Title: 反販賣人口行徑在拉丁美洲: 私營和公共伙伴關系瓜地馬拉
    Anti-Human Trafficking practices in Latin America: Private-Public Partnership in Guatemala
    Authors: 卡如絲
    Calderon, Ruth
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    ChIang, Alex
    Calderon, Ruth
    Keywords: 國際政府組織
    International Non-governmental Organization
    International Government Institutions
    Public-Private Partnership
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-12 14:08:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人口販運是一個已經全球化大大增加了全球性的問題,非法貿易的興起,以及冷戰的結束. 販毒後. 販賣人口是脖子到脖子軍火工業作為世界上第二大犯罪行業. 其目的是研究拉丁美洲的人口販賣情況和瓜地馬拉的公私營界別合作推行的反人口販賣活動. 由於在該區域的有限調查, 這項研究將是讀者不知道在拉丁美洲人口販賣的情況作出了貢獻。這項研究將使用輔助數據,如多邊組織的報告,政府機構,而且最重要的進行了訪談,以非政府組織。PPP的工作經歷在瓜地馬拉的兩個信道是積極的。政府機構間和打擊販賣人口的政府機構,非政府組織,政府間組織和非政府組織組成的網絡。這項研究描述了從政府方面所做的努力,以及在打擊人口販運瓜地馬拉非政府組織的知識和專長。
    Human Trafficking is a global issue increased dramatically with globalization, the rise of illicit trade, and the end of the Cold War. After drug trafficking, human trafficking is neck-to-neck with the arms industry as the second largest criminal industry in the world. The purpose is to study Latin America’s human trafficking situation and Guatemala’s Private-Public Partnership in implementing anti-human trafficking activities. Due to the limited investigations in the region, this study will be a contribution to readers that do not know the situation of human trafficking in Latin America. The study will use secondary data such as reports from multilateral organizations, government institutions, and most importantly conducted interviews to NGOs. The PPP work has been positive through two channels of communication in Guatemala. The interagency of government institutions and the network against human trafficking composed of the government institutions, INGOs, IGOs and NGOs. This study describes the efforts from the government side as well as the knowledge and expertise on NGOs in combating human trafficking in Guatemala.
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