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Title: | 網路交友平台補貼與收費機制探討 The analysis on the Subsidy and pricing Model of the online dating platform |
Authors: | 黃銘勳 Huang, ming syun |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, yi chia 黃銘勳 Huang, ming syun |
Keywords: | 交友平台 平台策略 平台收費機制 平台互動機制 online dating platform platform strategy platform pricing model platform interaction mechanism |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-12 14:08:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來平台商業模式與網路交友的盛行,使得許多網路交友平台應運而生。平台的收費模式不以傳統使用者付費的觀念建立,而是以整體平台的互動作為收費的考量,以較優惠或是免費的方式來吸引會引起正向跨邊網路效應的使用者加入,讓他們作為平台的被補貼方,藉此吸引平台的付費方群體加入。
透過幾個交友平台的個案分析,本研究觀察到雖都為網路交友平台,但是其交友的機制都會因其設計理念、交友目的而有所不同。因此本研究整理出哪些補貼準則被應用在網路交友平台上,而各交友平台如何設計收費時機在互動模式上,以理解網路交友平台的整個收費訂價的方式。 Platform business model and online dating has become popular in recent years, therefore more and more online dating platforms are being set up. Platform pricing model is not set up by user charge alone, how users interact on the platform is also considered. Platform controller attract users who can cause positive cross-side network effect by offering them better price so that they can attract users who are willing to pay the fee.
This research depends on two-side market theory to explain how online dating platforms attract users to enter their platforms, design interaction mechanism and set rules to allow users to use platforms easily. Depending on different dating purposes, every online dating platform has its own design. Therefore, this research discusses how different online dating platforms design interaction mechanism and compare the differences between them.
After understanding how platforms design interaction mechanism, platform pricing model is then discussed. Every platform has its own pricing model, because of different design. This research analyzes platform pricing model by subsidy rules from previous studies, and why users are willing to pay.
By analyzing several online dating platform cases, this research concludes that platforms have different interacting mechanisms because of website design purpose and user dating purpose. This research demonstrates which subsidy rules are used on online dating platform and how these platform design charge timing in order to understand online dating platform pricing model. 摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 3
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 平台定義 5
2.2 轉換成本(switching cost)與鎖定效應(lock-in effect) 7
2.3 平台訂價機制 9
2.4 觸媒型企業分析 12
第三章 研究方法 15
3.1 研究流程 15
3.2 研究方法與個案選擇 16
3.3 研究範圍 16
第四章 個案平台分析 17
4.1 愛情公寓 17
4.2 派愛族 39
4.3 愛魅奇 48
4.4 Tinder 57
4.5 個案公司訂價結構與補貼挑選準則分析 61
4.6 個案公司的收費時機分析 70
第五章 結論與建議 74
5.1研究發現 74
5.2研究結論 77
5.3研究建議 78
5.4研究限制 79
5.5 未來研究方向 79
參考文獻 81
一、 英文文獻 81
二、 中文文獻 81 |
Reference: | 一、 英文文獻
1. Burnham, T. A., et al. (2003). "Consumer switching costs: a typology, antecedents, and consequences." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 31(2): 109-126.
2. Eisenmann, T., et al. (2006). "Strategies for two-sided markets." Harvard business review 84(10): 92.
3. Evans, D. S. and R. Schmalensee (2007). Catalyst code: the strategies behind the world`s most dynamic companies, Harvard Business School Press.
4. Rochet, J.-C. and J. Tirole (2004). Defining two-sided markets, Citeseer.
5. Rochet, J.-C. and J. Tirole (2004). "Two-sided markets: an overview." Toulouse, France: IDEI, mimeo, March.
6. Shapiro, C., et al. (1999). "Information rules: a strategic guide to the network economy." JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC EDUCATION 30: 189-190.
7. Varian, H. R. and C. Shapiro (1999). "Information rules: a strategic guide to the network economy." Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge.
8. Zauberman, G. (2003). "The intertemporal dynamics of consumer lock‐in." Journal of consumer research 30(3): 405-419.
二、 中文文獻
1. 陳威如 and 余卓軒 (2013). 平台革命: 席捲全球社交, 購物, 遊戲, 媒體的商業模式創新, 商周出版.
三、 網站
1. 愛情公寓,http://www.i-part.com.tw/
2. 派愛族,http://www.pairs.tw/
3. 愛魅奇,https://www.imatchbox.com/
4. 愛魅奇創辦人部落格,http://sam0904.tumblr.com/
5. Inside,「騰訊秘密武器BeeTalk,正式向 LINE 下戰帖?」,http://www.inside.com.tw/
6. Inside,「我沒有偉大的夢想,只希望這世界可以多一些美好——愛魅奇的創業實錄」,http://www.inside.com.tw/2013/01/30/imatchbox-founder-talks-about-his-own-story
7. Inside,「快速約會利器,Tinder在美國校園爆紅」,http://www.inside.com.tw/2013/04/09/tinder-dating-app
8. TechNews,「市場競爭加劇,尚凡資訊的愛情公寓股價與營收雙雙受影響」,http://technews.tw/2014/05/12/taiwan-online-date-service-ipart/
9. Tinder,http://www.gotinder.com/
10. 新站馬拉松,「No.124:iMatchBox愛魅奇,做自己,找知己 (iMatchBox.com)」,http://mr6.cc/?p=8263 |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 101359023 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1013590231 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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