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    Title: 文字式網路爆紅之「網絡流行體」現象初探
    On Text-based Internet Memes: A Study on Chinese Network Styles
    Authors: 許倩
    Contributors: 施琮仁
    Internet meme
    network styles
    digital culture
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-12 14:06:03 (UTC+8)
    In recent years, Internet memes went viral on the Internet. Although the image-based Internet memes received much attention both in practice and research, the research on the text-based Internet is only a recent development.
    Introducing the concept of Internet meme in the study, a content analysis was employed to explore the features of network styles with Zhenhuan style as the exemplification. The study described the phenomenon in terms of users, speech styles, and purposes, and found a strong interaction between them.
    This study also explored the development and mutation of the network style. First, the study observed the life cycle of the phenomenon, and affirmed the important role of the originators in deciding the themes and structures of the network style. Contraction and mutation would take place throughout the communication of the meme. A significant amount of mutation would lead to the generation of a new network style.
    Besides, the study found that the popularization of the network style is the result of a series of synthetic factors, including the huge population of the netizens, the development of the Internet in Mainland China, the uniqueness of the Chinese language, the popular culture, and the promotion of the activities on the websites.
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