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Title: | 閱讀具標註數位文本之體感互動閱讀模式及其學習成效評估研究 A Study on Assessing the Effects of a Novel Motion-based Interactive Reading Mode for Digital Texts with Reading Annotations on Reading Performance |
Authors: | 蔡懷恩 Tsai, Huai En |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 范丙林 Chen, Chih Ming Fan, Ping Lin 蔡懷恩 Tsai, Huai En |
Keywords: | 體感互動 閱讀標註 學習成效 認知負荷 沉浸經驗 學習保留 somatosensory interaction annotation reading learning performance cognitive load flow experience learning retention |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-12 14:04:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 有鑑於數位閱讀已逐漸成為閱讀發展的新趨勢,利用電腦螢幕或其他數位閱讀工具進行閱讀或瀏覽已成為非常普遍的閱讀模式,目前已有許多研究著手發展相關的閱讀系統或設備來輔助學習者進行閱讀學習。此外,隨著電腦科技的進步,數位教材的互動技術產生了很大的轉變,從傳統的鍵盤、滑鼠,到現今的觸控式螢幕以及體感互動等技術,可以用更多元的方式激發學習動機。 本研究旨在將Kinect的體感互動技術應用於知識學習標註系統(Knowledge-based Annotation Learning System,簡稱KALS)上,發展出一套基於閱讀標註內容閱讀之體感互動閱讀模式,探討相較於傳統滑鼠操作閱讀標註內容之閱讀模式,此一體感互動閱讀模式在學習成效、學習保留、認知負荷及沉浸經驗上是否優於傳統滑鼠操作閱讀模式,進一步探討不同性別、不同學習風格的學習者使用本研究之體感互動閱讀模式時,其學習成效、學習保留、認知負荷及沉浸經驗上是否具有顯著的差異,並針對學習成效、學習保留、認知負荷及沉浸經驗彼此之間是否具有顯著關聯進行探討。 實驗對象為桃園縣石門國小六年級學生,兩班共54人。實驗結果顯示:1.不論是運用體感互動標註閱讀模式與滑鼠點擊標註閱讀模式,均具有良好的學習成效2.採用體感互動標註閱讀模式與滑鼠點擊標註閱讀模式的學習者,在學習成效、認知負荷、沉浸經驗,以及學習記憶保留上均沒有顯著差異3.男性學習者在體感互動標註閱讀模式下的沉浸經驗優於滑鼠點擊標註閱讀模式4.主動型學習者在滑鼠點擊標註閱讀模式的學習成效優於體感互動標註閱讀模式5.口語(文字)型學習者在體感互動標註閱讀模式下的認知負荷低於滑鼠點擊標註閱讀模式6.直覺型與總體型學習者在體感互動標註閱讀模式下的沉浸經驗優於滑鼠點擊標註閱讀模式7.體感互動標註閱讀模式下,學習者的學習成效與認知負荷呈顯著負相關8.無論是採用體感互動標註閱讀模式或者滑鼠點擊標註閱讀模式,學習者的學習成效與學習記憶保留均呈現顯著的正相關。 Since e-reading has gradually become the new trend towards reading development, utilizing computer displays or other e-reading instruments for reading or browsing has become a popular reading model. A lot of research begins to develop the relevant reading systems or equipment to assist learners in reading learning. Moreover, the advancing computer technology has greatly changed the interactive technology of e-materials from traditional keyboards and mice to current touch panels and somatosensory interactive technology that more diversified methods are used for inducing learning motivation. This study aims to apply Kinect somatosensory interactive technology to Knowledge-based Annotation Learning System (KALS) to develop an annotation-based somatosensory interactive reading model for exploring the difference from traditional mouse-operated annotation reading models. The learning performance, learning retention, cognitive load, and flow experience with such a somatosensory interactive reading model being superior to those with traditional mouse-operated reading models are further discussed the effects of gender and learning styles. The correlations among learning performance, learning retention, cognitive load, and flow experience are also discussed. Total 54 G6 students in two classes in Shih Men Elementary School in Taoyuan County are experimented. The results are concluded as below. 1. The application of both somatosensory interactive annotation reading model and mouse-click annotation reading model presents favorable learning performance. 2. There is no significant difference in learning performance, cognitive load, and flow experience between the use of somatosensory interactive annotation reading model and mouse-click annotation reading model. 3. Male learners reveal superior flow experience with the somatosensory interactive annotation reading model to it with mouse-click annotation reading model. 4. Active learners show superior learning performance with mouse-click annotation reading model ones to it with somatosensory interactive annotation reading model. 5. Verbal (text) learners appear lower cognitive load with the somatosensory interactive annotation reading model than it with mouse-click annotation reading model. 6. Both intuitive and global learners present superior flow experience with somatosensory interactive annotation reading model to it with mouse-click annotation reading model. 7. Learners’ learning performance and cognitive load reveal remarkably negative correlations with somatosensory interactive annotation reading model. 8. Learners’ learning performance and learning retention show notably positive correlations with both somatosensory interactive annotation reading model and mouse-click annotation reading model. |
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