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    Title: 糧食安全援助與非營利組織之研究
    A Study of the Aid for Food Security and the Non-Profit Organizations
    Authors: 戴思佳
    Teyla Valeska Darce Zuniga
    Contributors: 魏百谷
    Wei, Bai Ku
    Teyla Valeska Darce Zuniga
    Keywords: Aid for Food Security
    Non-Profit Organizations
    Food Aid
    Latin America
    The Caaribbean
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-06 11:58:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 糧食安全援助與非營利組織之研究
    The International Organizations the same as the non-profit organizations are aware of how much this issue matter around the world and the government from the different more vulnerable countries represent in many cases, the principal problem that difficulties the work of the non-profit sector. There is a clear need to build a new system strategy for each bloc according to their characteristics in order to apply the correct plan for ensuring the food access for all the people as equals, but there is no doubt that the income inequality is a social issue that affects every country in the world and that also bring consequences for the food security of the people in countries such as Haiti. This topic was selected for its importance worldwide, in order to analyze the type of work of the non-profit organizations in the food security sector as aid channels in Latin American and the Caribbean regions, and how their partnership with government agencies and international organizations is indispensable for the complementation of the work.
    And the research finding of the two cases study is about the capacity of sustainability that the farmers of the countries can reach through the aid for food security provided by the non-profit organizations, and on the other hand, the dependency that the aid provided can cause in the donors (in the case of Haiti). The potential that both regions have to improve the food security and develop the agricultural sector, but also explaining the case of the most poor countries in each region (Nicaragua and Haiti), both cases study serve to compare the different activities of the NPO and how their work affect the sustainability and development of the beneficiaries in the field of food security.
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