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Authors: | 施元敏 Sissokho, Oumie |
Contributors: | 張文揚 Chang, Wen Yang 施元敏 Sissokho, Oumie |
Keywords: | 中國 婦女 精英政治/機構 政治參與 中國共產黨 China Women Elite politics/institutions Political participation Chinese Communist Party |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-06 11:58:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 婦女的政治參與是促進性別平等的重要條件。中國的經濟改革帶來了在該國的社會和經濟部門大量的改進。然而,權力,政治文化和經濟的原因與其他社會文化因素相結合的政權的壟斷,導致婦女在中國的政治生活中連續的統治。本研究結合使用的輔助研究方法與合理的數據量涵蓋1977至2013年的婦女在選擇的最高政治機構的存在。該研究發現,女性在整個政治委員會代表性不足,但最糟糕的政府高層官員(精英)和黨的機構。這意味著,在國家層面,政治仍然是男性領域,有超過黨的機構也存在著一個嚴峻的陽剛壟斷。婦女被真正發現,如議會,他們的存在只是作為在中國共產黨的利益高於性別平等或行使平等權利的真正意義上滿足全球重要的還是國內需求的來源(男人之間和女性)在確定他們的社會事務。 Women’s participation in politics is an important requirement for gender equality. China’s economic reform has brought massive improvements in the social and economic sectors of the country. However, the regime’s monopoly of power, political culture and economic reasons in combination with other socio-cultural factors has resulted to continuous domination of women in China’s political life. This study has employed a secondary research approach in combination with a reasonable data quantity covering 1977 to 2013 on the presence of women in selected top political institutions. The study finds out that women are under-represented across the political board but worst in top government (elite) and party institutions. This means that, at the state level, politics remains a domain for men and there exist a stern masculine monopoly over party institutions also. Where women are genuinely found, such as the parliament, their presence only serves as a source of meeting an important global or domestic requirement in the interest of the Chinese Communist Party than a true sense of gender equality or exercise of an equal right (between men and women) in determining the affairs of their society. |
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