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    Title: 朝鮮糧食安全 1994-2011
    Food Security in North Korea 1994-2011
    Authors: 林維庭
    Lin, Wei Ting
    Contributors: 張文揚
    Chang, Wen Yang
    Lin, Wei Ting
    Keywords: 糧食安全
    Food Security
    North Korea
    Kim Jong-Il
    Food Aid
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-06 11:57:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文主要探討朝鮮糧食安全1994-2011年。透過國際糧食援助、北韓領導人的國內糧食政策以及個人領導特質以及中國大陸、南韓對北韓的糧食援助進行比較與分析,進而瞭解朝鮮糧食安全的現況以及建議未來處置方式。
    Do foreign aid and food supplies make North Korea more secure? It is hard to find a parallel case in the international community for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, or North Korea), which has been plagued by economic failure, hereditary politics, national historical division, and international sanctions. The nuclear weapons program and unpredictable leadership in North Korea have received most of the international attention. In the post-Cold War era, non-traditional
    security has become an important arena in the study of international relations. Based on the assumption that observers study non-traditional security issues in North Korea less than traditional security, this thesis aims to analyze the food security issue in the country.
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