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Title: | 搭檔虛擬體驗穿搭服務之創新經營模式 An Innovative Business Model of Dressing Agent Virtual Experience Service |
Authors: | 蕭婉菁 Hsiao, Wan Ching |
Contributors: | 許牧彥 Hsu, Mu Yen 蕭婉菁 Hsiao, Wan Ching |
Keywords: | 線上購物 虛擬試穿 服飾 經營模式 online shopping virtual try-on apparel business model |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-06 11:57:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 線上購物已成為現代人生活上不可或缺的一種購物工具,但透過網路購買服飾時,常常會有風險,例如:可能會買到尺寸不合或是不適合自己的服飾,因此為了解決這樣的問題,本研究希望提出一種創新的經營模式,透過手機應用程式讓消費者體驗「搭檔虛擬體驗穿搭服務」,提供消費者進行線上試穿,讓每個消費者都能在網路上輕鬆買到對的尺寸以及適合自己的服飾。
為了找出可行之商業模式,本研究透過市場需求分析及產業競爭分析,了解目前台灣線上購物市場之現況,並藉由質性以及量化研究來探討本創新提案之市場需求大小、目標客群以及現階段廠商對於本創新提案之看法與未來可能的合作意願。最後,經由前述分析,本研究提出了專屬於「搭檔虛擬體驗穿搭服務」的創新提案,其中包括消費者的使用方式、廠商合作模式、收費方式,以及未來可能推出之服務。 As a shopping tool, online shopping has been an integral part of modern life but when consumers buy apparel through the Internet, there are often risks. For example, consumers may buy clothes, which are not right sizes for them, or they may buy clothes, which are not suitable for them. In order to solve this problem, this study wants to propose an innovative business model. When consumers use cell phone application called “Dressing Agent Virtual Experience Service”, they can virtual try-on on the Internet. Every consumer can easily buy the right size and suitable clothes for them.
In order to find a viable business model, I study the analysis of market demand and industry competitive analysis to understand the current status of Taiwan`s online shopping market. Also, I use qualitative and quantitative researches to explore the market demand for innovative proposal for the target customers and know more about manufacturers’ cooperative willingness for innovative proposal in the future. Through the preceding description, this study presents an exclusively innovative proposal called “Dressing Agent Virtual Experience Service”. It includes the using method for consumers, cooperation and charging methods for manufacturers, and some future services. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 101359033 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101359033 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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