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    Title: 烘焙業的體驗服務設計- 以「吳寶春麥方店」為例
    A study of experience-centric service design in the baking industry - The case study of the WU BAO CHUN Bakery
    Authors: 鄭筑文
    Contributors: 張瑜倩
    Keywords: 體驗經濟
    Experience Economy
    Baking Industry
    Experience-Centric Service Design
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-06 11:57:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 體驗經濟時代來臨,各行各業開始跟隨著興起此波經濟時代的先進者之腳步,創造能為消費者帶來美好購物體驗之方式,吸引消費者目光、賺取利潤;包括臺灣烘焙業,亦不再只是單純提供為果腹的麵包產品為服務。近幾年烘焙業出國比賽得獎的麵包師傅開始展露頭腳,烘焙業形象由傳統的製造思維導向轉為體驗服務導向,烘焙坊不再只是交易場合; 從氣氛營造、產品創新到人員服務方式之精心設計,漸漸吸引許多消費者駐足進入烘焙坊購物、享受體驗。因此本研究欲透過探討臺灣烘焙業者,無論是以個人名義展店或是國內外之連鎖業者,在愈來愈多競爭者的狀況下,如何設計以體驗為主的服務創造商機,並待了解臺灣烘焙業設計體驗服務時之作法後,尋求其他體驗服務的設計方式或機會。


    一、 體驗服務設計的範圍,包含實體交易場域與虛擬網路管道、日常生活所能接觸到店家資訊之媒介。
    二、 體驗服務的設計應像一則精彩的故事,擁有「起、承、轉、合」橋段,如此更能為消費者帶來美好的體驗。
    The experience economy has arrived. A number of industries are trying to follow this trend and make profits to create wonderful shopping experience. For example, Taiwan’s baking industry has been transforming from manufacturing orientation to service orientation; that is, bakeries do not only provide edible products, but also emphasize the services they deliver to customers. Traditional bakeries were just places to make transactions; however, in comparison, the modern bakeries pay more attention on environmental atmosphere, product innovation and service design to attract customers.
    This study aims to explore how the bakeries in Taiwan create business opportunities by using experience-centric service design. This study uses ‘WU PAO CHUN Bakery’ as the case study since it is recognized as one of the most successful and representative bakeries in Taiwan. Participant observations and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. This research comes out three main points for designing experience-centric services in the bakery. First, managers could use storytelling concept and product innovation to attract customers. Second, it is important to create a confortable environment atmosphere and to plan a proper traffic flow for consumers. Third, it is crucial to train staff’s service attitudes and to understand the timing on offering services.
    In addition, this study proposes two practical implications to baking companies, from the perspective of experience-centric service design. First, the bakeries should be aware that the experience-centric service could be designed on the physical stores, the virtual Internet channel as well as the media that spread companies’ information for daily activities. Second, designing experience-centric service is like writing a wonderful story, companies should bring different experiences to customers in the shopping journey from the beginning to the end.
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