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    题名: 國民小學校長科技領導、學校知識管理與教師教學效能關係之研究
    A Study of the Relationships between the Principal’s Technology Leadership, School Knowledge Management and the Teacher’s Teaching Efficiency at Elementary Schools
    作者: 林彥輝
    Lin, Yen Hui
    贡献者: 秦夢群

    Lin, Yen Hui
    关键词: 校長科技領導
    Principal’s Technology Leadership
    School Knowledge Management
    Teacher’s Teaching Efficiency
    日期: 2013
    上传时间: 2014-08-06 11:56:38 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究主要問的在探討公立國民小學校長科技領導、學校知識管理與教師教學效能之關係與影響情形,在不同背景變項下校長科技領導、學校知識管理與教師教學效能的差異分析,並透過結構方程模式驗證理論模型與觀察數值之間適配情形,再提出研究結論與建議。
    The main purpose of this research is to explore and discuss the relationships between the principal’s technology leadership, school knowledge management and the teacher’s teaching efficiency at the public elementary schools and also to examine how these three features influence each other. How the principal’s technology leadership, school knowledge management and the teacher’s teaching efficiency are changing under the variable of different backgrounds is analyzed and by using the structural equation models, the compatibility between the theoretical models and observed number values is studied and verified. The paper ends up with the research conclusion and recommendations.
    Questionnaires were used in this research. The elementary school teachers’ technology leadership, the school knowledge management and the teacher’s teaching efficiency were the three variables to study. The research theoretical basis and structure were established with related literature. Eight hundred elementary school teachers from the cities of Taipei and New Taipei as well as the Taoyuan County were the research objects. There were seven hundred sixty-eight returned questionnaires and four hundred fifty-one valid questionnaires were processed to do the research. Three scales were used as the research tools: Cheng-fang Xu’s Principal’s Technology Leadership Scale, Rui-xun Wang’s School Knowledge Management Scale and Jia-wen Ye’s Teacher’s Teaching Efficiency Scale. The valid questionnaires were processed and analyzed separately by descriptive statistics, test, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis and structural equation models.
    The main results of this research are as follows:
    1.The current overall performance of the principal’s technology leadership, school knowledge management and the teacher’s teaching efficiency at the elementary schools is good.
    2.The elementary school teachers’ perceived degrees about all the fields of the principal’s technology leadership are at the middle level.
    3.The elementary school teachers’ perceived degrees about all the fields of the school knowledge management are at the middle level.
    4.The elementary school teachers’ perceived degrees about all the fields of the teacher’s teaching efficiency are above the middle level.
    5.The perceived degrees of the elementary school principal’s technology leadership, school knowledge management, and the teacher’s teaching efficiency have a great difference under the variable of the different backgrounds of the elementary school teachers.
    6.The principal’s technology leadership and the school knowledge management at the elementary school have high positive correlation.
    7.The principal’s technology leadership and the teacher’s teaching efficiency at the elementary school have moderate positive correlation.
    8.The school knowledge management and the teacher’s teaching efficiency have moderate positive correlation.
    9.The compatibility between the structural equation theoretical models and observed number values of the school knowledge management and the teacher’s teaching efficiency can be very good if the elementary school principal’s technology leadership is well applied.
    10.The structural equation theoretical models of the elementary school principal’s technology leadership, school knowledge management and the teacher’s teaching efficiency show that the elementary school principal’s technology leadership has an influence on the teacher’s teaching efficiency only by the school knowledge management. The elementary school principal’s technology leadership has no direct influences on the teacher’s teaching efficiency.
    The specific recommendations based on the research results are presented to the institutions of educational administration, each school department and follow-up researchers for their reference.
    參考文獻: 中文部分
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