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Title: | 五歲幼兒在數位小遊戲中的問題解決歷程與策略研究 Exploring five-year-old children`s problem-solving process and strategies while playing digital game |
Authors: | 陳家綺 Chen, Chia Chi |
Contributors: | 邱淑惠 陳家綺 Chen, Chia Chi |
Keywords: | 數位遊戲 問題解決 五歲幼兒 digital game problem-solving five-year-old children |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-06 11:54:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 科技的進步改變了當代童年的樣貌,孩子語言中的「遊戲」二字不再是過往的傳統遊戲,而是充滿聲光效果的多媒體遊戲。這樣的現象讓許多研究相繼投入探討數位遊戲對兒童造成的影響,然而在這眾聲喧嘩的議題中,關注的對象並不包含學齡前幼兒。因此,本研究站在積極理解的角度,探究學齡前幼兒在數位遊戲中的思維活動,企盼增加對當代童年的瞭解。 本研究目的是探討五歲幼兒在數位小遊戲中的問題解決歷程和策略,因此從臺北市邀請18位五歲的大班幼兒,以兩人一組的方式共同進行遊戲<小羊回家>約20分鐘,並隨後訪談5分鐘關於在遊戲中遇到的問題與策略。研究採集的資料內容包含觀察紀錄、訪談語料、錄音和錄影,並將整理後的資料以質性方式分析和詮釋。 研究發現幼兒的問題表徵受到遊戲畫面複雜程度的影響,但幼兒初始建立的遊戲假設和過關成功沒有絕對關係。而本研究考量到幼兒在遊戲中的動作與想法,重新提出六種問題解決策略:(1)反覆操作來內化按鍵功能、(2)排列組合已知條件、(3)逐步縮短與目標的差距、(4)用相同動作試探發生的可能、(5)錯誤排除、(6)重新表徵遊戲目標」。同時也發現隨著幼兒個性和風格不同,會產生出不同樣貌的問題解決歷程:「在簡單道路上循序漸進」、「賭博般孤注一擲」、「在規則中發散遊走」,最後意外地看見,過關並不是遊戲唯一的目標,在遊戲中獲得不同程度的滿足感也是相當重要的。 The development and growth of digital games have been changing people’s childhood in the world. Nowadays, most children tend to play digital games instead of traditional ones. Though there are a great number of studies into how digital games affect children’s behavior, few ones on preschool children have been found. Through positive approach, this study, as a result, is aimed at discussing and analyzing the thinking of five-year-old children while they are playing digital games, and is also for future reference about children in digital times. The purposes of this study are designed to explore five-year-old children’s problem-solving process and strategies during playing digital game. In this study, eighteen young children in Taipei City are selected to play a digital game, “Home sheep home.” They played in pairs about twenty minutes, and then were given an interview about ‘How did you pass the game?’ and ‘what strategies did you use?’ around five minutes. In order to confirm the trustworthiness of the study, the raw data were collected from various sources including observation, conversation, audio and video. Afterwards, those records were reorganized into qualitative information for further data analysis and interpretation The conclusions of the study are: 1. Young children’s problem representation has nothing to do with accomplishing the game’s mission. Instead, it is affected by the complication of the content on screen. 2. Six problem-solving strategies are re-raised in the study like “Press keyboard repeatedly,” ”Organize all the possibilities” , ”Approach the goal gradually,” ”Repeat the same action to produce a possible result,” ”Avoid the same mistakes,” , ”represent game goal again” . 3. Three problem-solving processes have been concluded into three parts: ”Step-by-step attempt,” ”High-risk attempt” , ”Unfocused attempt “。 |
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