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Title: | 美國 1930 年代金銀政策 年代金銀政策 —以《 1934 年白銀購買法案》為中心 年白銀購買法案》為中心 年白銀購買法案》為中心 (1932 -19391939 ) The “Gold and Silver Policies of 1930s” in United States—On the Base of Silver Purchase Act of 1934 (1932-1939) |
Authors: | 沈瑜 Jennifer Yu Shen |
Contributors: | 賴建誠 Lai, Cheng Chung 沈瑜 Jennifer Yu Shen |
Keywords: | 1930年代金銀政策 1934年白銀購買法案 金本位 金銀複本位 信用本位 Gold and Silver Policies of 1930s Silver Purchase Act of 1934 gold standard bimetallism Fiduciary Standard |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-06 11:45:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文探討美國「1930年代金銀政策」及其產生的貨幣流通變化。1930年代金銀政策是從胡佛總統至羅斯福總統時期的一連串貨幣政策,其目的在於救濟因經濟大恐慌而蕭條的市場,同時改革金融制度,故實施寬鬆貨幣政策,增加紙幣供給,減少紙幣貴金屬準備,以提高物價,刺激景氣。本論文歸納出以下法案或政府行動,為金銀政策的主要組成:《格拉斯-斯蒂格爾法》、「暫停《金條款》」、《緊急銀行法》、黃金國有化、《托馬斯農業調整法》、世界經濟會議、《白銀協定》、國內外購金、《黃金儲備法案》、《1934年白銀購買法案》、《穩定基金》、收歸白銀國有及《三國貨幣協定》,亦以時間序列分析金銀政策發展,最後做一個大膽的定義,本論文推想這些政策帶領美國進入信用本位制度。 而本論文希望能以貨幣流通量來推測「1930年代金銀政策」是否真造成某些貨幣流通變化。文中主要以8種法幣來推想:金幣、金券、銀幣、銀券、1890年國庫券」、「美利堅合眾國券」、聯邦儲備券、聯邦儲備銀行券與國民銀行券「1930年代金銀政策」雖然不是唯一改變貨幣流通量的因素,卻有助於了解當時貨幣流通發展,一些貨幣的興衰。 本論文亦將1930年代金銀政策中的《1934年白銀購買法案》獨立出來詳細討論,該法非常重要,它涉及美國的白銀產業、白銀商品與貨幣關係、白銀與黃金關係、黃金與美元關係,美元與本位關係。該法起源於1930年代,受到經濟大恐慌波及,銀產業處境困難,產銀州議員想要政府繼續向銀產業者購銀,故推動《1934年白銀購買法案》,用向國內外購銀,鑄造銀幣、發行銀券,以提高銀價,該法中規定購銀目標、購銀價格、鑄幣稅等。該法確實達到其目標銀價,對國內外造成有利有弊的影響。 This research discusses the “Gold and Silver Policies of 1930s” in United States, and the effect by these policies. Gold and Silver Policies of 1930s were a series of monetary policies from Hoover President to Roosevelt President. These policies tried to rescue the market which destroyed by the Depression, and also reformed the financial system. So the government carried out the Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy by increasing paper notes supplies, reducing the reserve back of the paper notes, for raising commodity price. This research analysises some acts or actions by the government in the following: Glass- Steagall Act, Emergency Banking Act, “Suspend Gold Clause Act,” Nationalize of Gold and Silver, Thomas Amendment to Agricultural Adjustment Act, The World Monetary and Economic Conference, Silver Agreement, Purchasing Gold, Gold Reserve Act, Silver Purchase Act of 1934, Tripartite Monetary Agreement, and Gold Sterilizations. This research tries to figure out whether the Unied States was forward to Fiduciary Standard after these polices be carried out or not. This research hopes to use the amount of currency in circulation to prove whether the “Gold and Silver Policies of 1930s” effected currency in circulation or not. This research tries to prove it by 8 legal tenders: gold and silver coin, gold and silver certificates, United States notes, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve Bank notes and National Bank notes. Though Gold and Silver Policies of 1930s were not the only reason affected the amount of currency in circulation, but maybe they can give some information about the development of the currency. This research focuses on discussing Silver Purchase Act of 1934. This act is very important, it can be refer to the silver production, silver commodity and currency, silver and gold, gold and Dollar, Dollar and standard relationship. This act could be trace back to the silver industry could not live by Depression, so the senators wanted the government to purchase silver to silver producers. In Silver Purchase Act of 1934, it made a rule to purchase silver, mint silver coins, issue silver certificates, raise silver prices. It also set up the purpose of purchasing silver, the price of silver and seigniorage. This act affected domestic situation and foreign countries. |
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