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    题名: 靈與心的救贖:從靈思心理學解讀al-Ghazzali的蘇非之道
    The Salvation of Soul and Heart: A Contemplative Psychological Interpretation on al-Ghazzali’s Sufi Path
    作者: 楊美芬
    贡献者: 蔡怡佳

    关键词: al-Ghazzali
    Han F. de Wit
    salvation of soul and heart
    spiritual crisis
    exoteric & esoteric
    Han F. de Wit
    contemplative psychology
    heart with doubt
    thought and experience
    change and renunciation
    日期: 2013
    上传时间: 2014-08-06 11:45:11 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本文以11、12世紀伊斯蘭蘇非大師Ghazzali的靈與心之救贖作為宗教心理學理論探討的典範,主要著眼於他個人在宗教心理的意義中,以虔誠和謙卑體現信仰實踐的重大轉變,除了其本身擁有豐富的知識和深刻的思想,更重要的是,他履行蘇非之道,徹底改變信仰態度,真正捨離世俗,最終獲得靈與心的救贖。在分析和詮釋的理論依據上,本文採用荷蘭宗教心理學家Han F.de Wit結合自己的心理學素養與靈修經驗,在20世紀晚期發展出的一套理論,稱為「靈思心理學」(Contemplative Psychology)。在這套理論中,de Wit呈現宗教的冥思傳統(contemplative tradition)與個人的心理洞見、信念之間的連結,經驗和思想可以相互為用。在他所提出的觀點之中,本文透過如下幾個主張,包括皈依、關鍵時刻、斷裂、危機、懷疑、改變、與捨離,說明Ghazzali如何成就伊斯蘭密契傳統的最高典範,同時也突顯靈思心理學試圖闡釋人類靈與心互相超越,同獲救贖的理想。
    The thesis regarded Ghazzali, the outstanding thinker and great Sufi of Islamic world in the 11th and 12th centuries, as a perfect example, who embodied an inward transformation of religious action with piety and humility. Other than his profound knowledge and thoughts, Ghazzali is also an authority on theology and law of Islam, and furthermore he performed a Muslim’s devotion by proceeding on the path of Sufi. He gave up all his possessions, followed the instructions of Sufism to survive a serious crisis of spirit, and obtained the ultimate salvation of his soul and heart in the end.
    The theory used in this thesis to analyze and interpret Ghazzali’s spiritual experience is the “contemplative psychology” of Han F.de Wit, who is a religious psychologist of the Netherlands. De Wit spent more than ten years combining his psychological training and spiritual experience to develop the theory in late twentieth century. In this theory he presented the connection between contemplative traditions of many religions and the insights & beliefs within individual mind. Among those concepts stated by de Wit in his theory, the thesis used mainly several of them, such as conversion, moments, break, crisis, doubt, change, and renunciation, etc. Accordingly, Ghazzali could be the most perfect example of the contemplative psychology, when we refer to salvation of both human Soul and Heart.
    參考文獻:  有關伊斯蘭思想及蘇非主義
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     Al-Ghazzali, Rescuer from Error: The Spiritual Autobiography of a Great Teacher, Translated by Charles F. Horne.Kessinger Publishing.
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     Al-Ghazzali (2002), On the Boundaries of Theological Tolerance in Islam, Translated and introduced by Sherman A. Jackson. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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     Gianotti, Timothy J. (2001), Al-Ghazzali`s Unspeakable Doctrine of the Soul-Unveiling the Esoteric Psychology and Eschatology of the Ihya,Leiden,Boston,Koln: Brill.
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     有關宗教心理學

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     Sharf, Robert H. Experience in Critical Terms for Religious Studies. Edited by Mark C. Taylor. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. pp.94-116
     Sharpe, Eric J. (2009), Comparative Religion - A History, London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd.
     Starbuck, Edwin Diller (1901), The Psychology of Religion.With a preface by William James. London: BiblioLife.
     Taves, Ann (2009), Religious Experience Reconsidered: A Building-block Approach to the Study of Religion and Other Special Things, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
     Tobin Hart, Peter L. Nelson, and KaisaPuhakka ed. (2000), Transpersonal Knowing-Exploring the Horizon of Consciousness, Albany: State University of New York Press.
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     De Wit, Han F. (1999), The Spiritual Path-An Introduction to the Psychology of the Spiritual Traditions,Translated by Henry Jansen & Lucia Hofland-Jansen. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press.
     Wulff, David M. (1991),Psychology of Religion-Classic and Contemporary Views, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
     Wulff, David M. (2010), The Psychology of Religion - An Overview in the Psychology of Religion - Critical Concepts in Religious Studies IV, edited by Justin L. Barrett , New York: Routledge.
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