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    Title: 觸控產業行銷策略之探討-以台灣、大陸及日本觸控廠商為例
    Authors: 吳誌雄
    Wu, Nelson
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Wu, Nelson
    Keywords: 觸控廠商
    Professional touch-panel manufacturers
    Marketing Object
    Vertical integration manufacturers
    Horizontal diversification manufacturers
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-06 11:42:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以台灣、大陸及日本的觸控產業為主要的研究對象,依據邱志聖(2010)提出的4C策略行銷作為理論的架構,並依據AHP分析模式,將4C設定為目標構面,並同時展開評估準則,依據不同的對象-整體觸控產業、專業型觸控廠商、垂直整合型廠商及水平多角化廠商作出4C整體及個別交叉比較矩陣的分析,以分析出目標構面及評估準則的相對權重,以作為有效行銷策略的制定。 
    This research to Taiwan, China and Japan of touch panel industry for research of object, according to Professsor Jyh-Shen Chiou (2010) proposed of 4C strategic marketing as theory of schema, and according to AHP analysis model, will analylze the object and criteria for marketing target, and while started assessment to different of touch panel industry including professional touch panel manufacturers, vertical integration manufacturer and horizontal diversification manufacturers to made 4C overall and the individual cross compared matrix of analysis together with the assessment guidelines of relative weight,  To serve as an effective marketing strategy formulation, overall touch panel industry and professional touch manufacturers in the higher weight and consistency of 4C marketing perspective, marketing strategies using the sequence (from large to small) are as follows: cost of moral hazard(C3), cost of specific asset(C4), unit cost/utility(C1), and cost of information search(C2). The weight of individual manufacturers guidelines for assessing types of marketing analysis, benevolence , reduce the total cost, and product specific asset are the highest weight of assessment criteria. Especially the whole touch panel industry recognizes benevolence as the most important assessment criteria level. Horizontal diversification manufacturers are quite special to keep product positioning as the most important marketing assessment criteria.
    In addition, the professional touch manufacturers attach considerable importance to honor its contractual commitments (can do) and increasing utility of the buyer. Attention to honor its contractual commitments is mainly because of the high customer specifications, to undertake to fully meet the customer`s requirements or exceed our customers ` expectations, which had obvious help for future long-term cooperation.
    Vertical-integration manufacturers are particularly strengthened with customers to establish an effective personnel specific asset because this type of firms mainly extends on both LCD partnership, again increasing cooperation between the touch panel, a major marketing strategy can build on existing senior management staff between exclusive is the most effective.
    Horizontal diversification manufacturers are taking product positioning as the most important marketing assessment criteria to establish a broad product-specific assets.
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