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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/68206
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    Title: 初探社會運動組織運作模式:以2013台灣同志遊行為例
    An Exploratory Research on the Operations of Social Movement Organizations: The Case Study of 2013 Taiwan LGBT Pride
    Authors: 張金煉
    Cheong, Chin Rian
    Contributors: 張瑜倩
    Chang, Yu Chien
    Cheong, Chin Rian
    Keywords: 社會運動組織
    Social Movement Organization
    LGBT Movements
    LGBT Pride
    Internal Marketing
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-06 11:37:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文主要討論在社會運動組織內部如何維繫長期運作,並試圖透過內部行銷理論切入,探討組織如何留任志工以及達致內部共識。過去內部行銷與社會運動組織結合的討論較少,因此,本研究以亞洲地區最大規模同志遊行作為個案,試圖建構出社會運動組織內部行銷執行要點。



    This research explores how the social movement organization operates in order to form the internal agreement and to retain volunteers’ participation. As there is little research on internal marketing and social movement organizations, this research employs Taiwan LGBT Pride, the biggest LGBT movement in Asia, as a case to construct knowledge on how internal management is implemented.

    The study adopts both in-depth interviews and participation observations as the research methods to collect data. The volunteers of the 11st Taiwan LGBT Pride were interviewed; in addition, the researcher of this study also joined the organization as a participant, tried to identify problems and to understand how things were organized in the Taiwan LGBT Pride Organization.

    This research found out that, due to the changing organizational structure and organizational expansion, Taiwan LGBT Pride Organization has failed to retain its volunteers and to form an internal agreement. Orientation of “radical/temperate” or “carnival/grassroot” may be unavoidable in LGBT movements, but this research reveals that the difficulty to retain volunteers results from the aloof relationship between senior volunteers and new comers. Additionally, there is a gap between organizational identity and the understanding of the context in this social movement.

    From the perspective of internal marketing, organizations should view its members as internal customers; however, the findings of this research indicate the volunteers of Taiwan LGBT Pride Organization did not fulfill neither their needs of being loved nor participation achievement. Hence, there is no feedback mechanism to express the disappointment and this leads to the high volunteer turnover.

    Volunteers are seen as the major resources in social movements. ‘Identity’ becomes an important element for social movement participation. This research proposes that how to enhance individual and organizational identify must be taken into account as one of the operational strategies in the social movement organization.
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