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    Title: 俄國德意志人之研究─ 遷入、流放與回歸
    A Study of Russian Germans: Migration, Deportation and Return
    Authors: 周克宣
    Chou, Ko Hsuan
    Contributors: 郭武平
    Chou, Ko Hsuan
    Keywords: 凱薩琳二世
    Catherine II
    Russian Germans
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-29 16:16:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文主要探討自1762年到2012年俄國德意志人在俄國的歷史,內容含括德意志人遷移俄國之背景、蘇聯時期的流放以及蘇聯解體後的現況。
    This article is focused on the history of Russian Germans in Russia from 1762 to 2012, which includes the historical background of their migration to the Russia Empire, deportation in the Soviet era, and their current status after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
    The author has come to four conclusions as follows:
    1. Emigration of Russian Germans occurred because of the will of Catherine II. During her reign, she intended to consolidate and develop the new annexed land in southern Russia, which eventually led to her first invitation to foreign settlers in 1762. Catherine II provided foreign settlers with a series of privileges and thus attracted mainly Germans- who at that time were beset by poverty. Germans" emigration to Russia lasted for more than 100 years and came to a halt in late 19th century.
    2. The deportation directed at Russian Germans was already in action in the 1930s. From the beginning of 1930s, the deportation of Russian Germans was class-oriented. After 1935, however, it gradually switched to nationality-oriented and remained to be so during WWII. The deportation of Russian Germans had devastating consequences, most predominantly by the change of residence (from Europe to Asia), profession, and by the downfall of mother tongue salience and education level.
    3. The number of Russian German returnees to Germany after WWII was influenced by the diplomatic relations between Soviet Union and West Germany. After the demise of the Soviet Union, the number of returnees, however, was under the influence of domestic immigration laws of Germany. Due to the fact that there had been stricter restrictions toward Russian German returnees in recent years, the number of returnees has been declining and is expected to decrease in the future.
    4. Currently there are around 60 thousand Russian Germans in Russia and another 23 thousand in Kazakhstan. Both counties have proposed good terms to attract Russian Germans to come back, but just a few of them eventually returned. Although there are two German autonomous districts in Russia, the residents in these two districts also face danger of assimilation.
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