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Title: | 臺北市政府警察局派出所所長工作壓力與工作績效關係之研究 Studies on Correlation Between Job Stress and Work Performance of Station Chiefs in Taipei City Police Department |
Authors: | 吳鈞裕 |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 吳鈞裕 |
Keywords: | 派出所所長 工作壓力 工作績效 |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-07-29 16:14:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討臺北市政府警察局派出所所長工作壓力與工作績效現況及關聯 性,俾提供制定政策、管理及警察人員之參考。問卷調查係採全面實施問卷調查方式,以臺北市政府警察局所屬現職94位派出所所長為樣本,計發放94份問卷,取得有效問卷94份,回收率100%;另以母體樣本中篩選出擔任3任(含)派出所所長職務以上,從中隨機抽取7位派出所所長實施深度訪談。 經研究後發現,臺北市政府警察局派出所所長的工作壓力來源依序為組織內部、組織外部、個人因素、工作本身,整體工作壓力量表平均為3.46,有偏高現象;工作績效依序為工作效率、工作品質、工作效能,整體工作績效平均為3.64,大多數派出所所長自認為工作績效表現優異,與臺北市政府警察局102年12月委託民調有關臺北市市民對治安滿意度結果大致相同。又派出所所長工作壓力與工作績效之間具有相當之關聯性。 本研究係首次針對臺北市政府警察局派出所所長所做的工作壓力與工作績效之相關研究,研究結果可作為相關警政主管機關擬定政策、擔任派出所所長基層幹部及後續研究之參考。 關鍵字:派出所所長、工作壓力、工作績效 The purpose of this research is to investigate police officers in Taipei City Police Department about their job stress,work performance and its correlations in order to provide policy development, management and police personnel reference. The investigation is implemented by questionnaire to the ninety four (94) police stations under Taipei City Police Department, the valid questionnaire is ninety four (94) and in 100% recovery rate. From the sampling, it also screened seven (7) station chiefs who have been served on the station chief’s position more than three (3) stations for further interview. The study shows the station chiefs in Taipei City Police Department have working stress from the order of the internal organization, external organization, personal factors and the work itself, the overall job stress scale is 3.46 which is relatively high. The priority of their work performance is job effectiveness, job efficacy and job quality, the overall scale is 3.64. Most of the station chiefs are satisfied with their excellent performances which has the similar result of the public opinion about the satisfaction security from Taipei city resistant in Dec., 2013. It also indicates that the job stress and the work performance have strong connection with each to the station chiefs. It also indicates the job stress and work performance have strong related connection between two of them to the station chiefs. The study is the first research of the job stress and work performance for the station chiefs under Taipei City Police Department, the result can be used as the reference for the policy formulating, the police who is in charge of the police station and its subsequent research.
Keywords: station chiefs, job stress, work performance |
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