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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > Department of MIS > Theses >  Item 140.119/67862
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    Title: 巨量資料環境下之新聞主題暨輿情與股價關係之研究
    A Study of the Relevance between News Topics & Public Opinion and Stock Prices in Big Data
    Authors: 張良杰
    Chang, Liang Chieh
    Contributors: 楊建民
    Chang, Liang Chieh
    Keywords: 巨量資料
    Big data
    Text mining
    News topic detection and tracking
    Link analysis
    Sentiment analysis
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-29 16:03:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來科技、網路以及儲存媒介的發達,產生的資料量呈現爆炸性的成長,也宣告了巨量資料時代的來臨。擁有巨量資料代表了不必再依靠傳統抽樣的方式來蒐集資料,分析數據也不再有資料收集不足以致於無法代表母題的限制。突破傳統的限制後,巨量資料的精隨在於如何從中找出有價值的資訊。
    In recent years, the technology, network, and storage media developed, the amount of generated data with the explosive growth, and also declared the new era of big data. Having big data let us no longer rely on the traditional sample ways to collect data, and no longer have the issue that could not represent the population which caused by the inadequate data collection. Once we break the limitations, the main spirit of big data is how to find out the valuable information in big data.
    For example, the social network sites (SNS) have a lot of public opinions and interpersonal information, and scholars have founded that the emotions in SNS have a positive correlation with stock prices. Therefore, the thesis tried to focus on the news which have the same characteristic of big data, using the web crawl to catch total of 30,879 economics news articles form the Central News Agency, furthermore, took the “Topic Detection & Tracking” and “Sentiment Analysis” technology on these articles. Finally, based on the concept of the similarity between news articles, through the links converging networks and analyze the relevant between news sentiment and stock prices.
    The results shows that news events can be linked to specific news topics, identify different news topics in a large network, and form the news topic context by linked news topics together. The thesis provides a new way to quickly understand the huge amount of news, and backtracking news topics and news event with effective.
    In the aspect of news sentiment and stock prices, the results shows that the news sentiments impact the fluctuations of stock prices, and the correlation coefficient is 0.733562. By comparing the emotion with psychological lines & trading willingness indicators, the emotion is better than the two indicators in the stock prices determination.
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