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    Title: 國小教師工作滿意度指標建構之研究-以三域模型為基礎
    A Study of Indicators Construction of Teacher Job Satisfaction for Elementary School Teachers – Based on the Three Domain Model
    Authors: 李家安
    Lee, Chia An
    Contributors: 陳榮政
    Lee, Chia An
    Keywords: 國民小學教師
    elementary school teacher
    teacher job satisfaction indicators
    fuzzy delphi method
    the three domain model
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-21 15:46:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在以三域模型架構建構我國國民小學教師工作滿意度指標。研究方法部分,先以文獻及資料的探討與分析,以及Dinham與Scott兩位學者所提出的教師工作滿意度三域模型架構,初擬出我國國民小學教師工作滿意度指標,接著以專家問卷評估指標之適切性,再以模糊德菲法問卷進行重要性評估。模糊德菲法的專家問卷調查對象為11位對教師工作滿意度有相當研究及了解的學者專家及資深校長,以三角模糊數的建構方式統整專家對各指標項目的重要性偏好,求得其反模糊化之總值,最後以歸一化方式求得各指標項次的權重,完成我國國小教師工作滿意度指標。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下:
    一、 本研究共建立以三域模型為基礎架構之三構面,依構面平均權重高低排序為「教學本身的內在因素」(4.5275)、「學校為基礎的因素」(4.275)、「外在社會因素」(4.206)。
    二、 依照各構面內指標權重高低,依序如下:
    (一) 「教學本身的內在因素」構面內最重要者為「學生成長」。
    (二) 「學校為基礎的因素」構面內最重要者為「政策與決策」。
    (三) 「外在社會因素」構面內最重要者為「教師形象」。
    The purpose of this study is based on the three domain model construct the teacher job satisfaction indicator for elementary school teachers. As for research methods, by means of literature review and the three domain model context by Dinham and Scott, organized a preliminary 23 indicators within 3 main dimensions. By the expert questionnaire modified the preliminary indicators, then based on the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire with size of 11 experts establish the final indicators. Symmetric triangular fuzzy number was used to analyze experts’ opinion on the importance of each indicator. Normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each indicators; accordingly, the study consists of 3 dimensions and 23 indicators in total, and the conclusions are follows:
    1. “Internal factors teaching itself”(4.5275 accounts for averaged ).
    2. “School-based factors”(4.275 accounts for averaged ).
    3. “External social factors”(4.206 accounts for averaged ).
    According to priority of inter-dimension indicators, the conclusions are as follows:
    1. In the dimension “Internal factors teaching itself”, the indicator “Student Development” accounts for the most part.
    2. In the dimension “School-based factors”, the indicator “Policy and decision-making” accounts for the most part.
    3. In the dimension “External social factors”, the indicator “Image of teachers” accounts for the most part.
    Key words: elementary school teacher, teacher job satisfaction indicators, fuzzy delphi method, the three domain model. 
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