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    Title: 點讀筆支援紙本繪本閱讀對於兒童閱讀動機、情緒、注意力與理解成效之影響研究
    A study on digital pen-supported picture books for improving children’s reading motivations, emotions, attention and comprehension
    Authors: 陳冠雯
    Chen, Kuan Wen
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih Ming
    Chen, Kuan Wen
    Keywords: 點讀筆
    digital pen
    reading motivation
    reading emotion
    reading attention
    reading comprehension performance
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-14 11:36:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技的進步,兒童繪本不再侷限於傳統由印刷文字及靜態圖片組成的紙本繪本,而是逐漸發展為多種數位媒體整合之電子繪本,電子繪本具有優於傳統紙本繪本的互動性及多媒體元素,較能吸引兒童的閱讀興趣。但電子繪本也存在過多動畫可能使兒童沈迷於感官刺激,分散其閱讀注意力的疑慮。此外,電子繪本對兒童的視力可能造成傷害,紙本仍較適合長時間的閱讀,但紙本繪本在支援閱讀上的模式較為單調。因此,近年來可搭配紙本閱讀的數位點讀筆興起,並已發展出可同時融合聽、說、讀、寫的多元閱讀模式,具有融合紙本且具有多媒體與互動功能的優勢。本研究採用腦波注意力偵測技術及心跳變異情緒感知技術,基於預測策略,探討包括傳統紙本繪本、電子繪本及點讀筆輔助紙本繪本閱讀對於兒童閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效的影響。此外,也針對文字型和圖像型不同認知風格以及不同性別的兒童,探討採用上述三種不同閱讀模式進行閱讀時的閱讀動機、閱讀情緒、閱讀注意力與閱讀理解成效是否具有顯著差異。


    With the progress of information technology, children picture books have no longer be restricted to traditional paper picture books composed of printed texts and static pictures; instead, various digital media integrated electronic picture books are gradually developed. Electronic picture books present the advantages of better interactivity and multimedia elements than traditional paper picture books and could better attract children’s reading interests. Nevertheless, electronic picture books also exist in excessive animation causing children indulging in sensory stimulation and diverting the reading attention. Moreover, electronic picture books could damage children’s visual acuity. Thus, paper picture books are considered more suitable for long-term reading. However, paper picture books show dull model on supporting reading. The combination of digital pens with paper-reading is therefore emerged in the past years and the plural reading model integrating listening, speaking, reading, and writing has been developed because integrating digital pen with paper reveals the advantages of multimedia and interactive functions. Based on prediction strategy, this study applies brain-wave attention detection system and heart rate variability emotion sensing technology to discussing the effects of traditional paper picture books, electronic picture books, and digital pen assisted paper picture books on children’s reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance. Furthermore, the effects of on children with visualizer and verbalizer cognitive styles and different genders on reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance when reading with the above reading models are also explored.

    The findings of the study are summarized as below. (1) Children applying digital pen supported paper picture books and prediction strategy present better reading motivation than the ones reading paper picture books and electronic picture books with prediction strategy. (2) Children utilizing digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy reveal better reading attention than the ones reading paper picture books with prediction strategy, but do not appear significant difference from the others reading electronic picture books with prediction strategy. (3) Reading electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy shows better reading comprehension performance than traditional paper reading with prediction strategy, and such two reading models appear the same reading comprehension performance. (4) Female children reading electronic picture books with prediction strategy present higher negative emotion than males do. (5) Female children reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy reveal better reading comprehension performance than males do. (6) Male children applying digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy show better reading attention than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (7) Male children using electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy present better reading comprehension performance than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (8) Visualizers utilizing traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy appear higher negative emotion than applying electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture books with prediction strategy. (9) Verbalizers using electronic picture books and digital pen supported paper picture book with prediction strategy show significantly higher reading comprehension performance than reading traditional paper picture books with prediction strategy. (10) The reading models of traditional paper picture books, electronic picture books, and digital pen supported picture books do not appear correlations on reading motivation, reading emotion, reading attention, and reading comprehension performance.

    Finally, the study also proposes several valuable suggestions for parents, teachers, children reading promotion units, and future researchers, tending to provide benefits in enhancing children reading abilities.
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