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Title: | 產業地域土地使用制度厚實之研究-以內湖輕工業區與大彎北段為例- The study of land usage of institutional thickness in industrial area- Take Neihu light industry and Northern Dawan as an example |
Authors: | 林志銘 Lin, Chih Ming |
Contributors: | 邊泰明 Ben, Tai Ming 林志銘 Lin, Chih Ming |
Keywords: | 制度厚實 路徑依賴 公共利益 內湖輕工業區 大彎北段 institutional thickness path dependent public interest Taipei Neihulight industry Northern Dawan |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-07-14 11:36:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 科技產業崛起已逐漸蠶食輕工業區原先土地利用制度安排,台北市內湖輕工業區自市地重劃完成後,經由行動者興建廠辦大樓形塑科技園區意象,供廠商違規使用,接著再由園區內廠商自發性成立「台北市內湖科技園區發展協會」與台北市政府定期召開座談會,並配合修正「台北市內湖輕工業區輔導管理辦法」共同治理園區內土地利用方向,締造科技產業經濟奇蹟,成為活化產業用地新典範,變更為名符其實「台北市內湖科技園區」。
本文將以「制度厚實」、「路徑依賴」、「公共利益」等相關理論分析案例,透過公、私部門專業人士進行深度訪談提供卓見,作為本文研究過程中相互辯證及立論參考依據,進一步釐清兩地區制度變遷分歧原因,加以探索大彎北段商業區、娛樂區供住宅使用之正當性,抑或回歸商業及娛樂使用,並將研究結論提出建議事項,落實產業用地「公共利益」之精神。 The rise of technology industry has gradually eroded the arrangement of original land utilization. Therefore, the land of light industry was replotting in Neihu. The actors wanted the area to be Technology Park, so the buildings were used inappropriately for firms. The firms in park established an association spontaneously and named “Taipei Neihu technology park development association. “Taipei city hall made the regular meetings with the association and coordinated to revise the counseling regulations of Taipei Neihu light industry. Government and companies managed the direction of land`s usage together and make the economic miracle of technology. Thus, it’s a model to activate industrial land. The land named “Taipei NeiHu Technology Park”
However, according to this reason, the commercial function of Northern Dawan has been impacted. In order to find alternatives, the land of commercial and entertainment was supplied to residence use. As of today, it’s over 3,000 houses in the region. The actual situation of usage is not identical with the city plans, which causes mutual exclusion among the region of commercial, entertainment, and residences area.
This study used those theories (for institutional thickness, path dependent and Public Interest) to analyze some cases. Through the deep interview by experts which come from public and private departments, they provide some advice as mutual dialectical reference; we will also clarify the reasons of rule discrepancy between two regions in order to further explore the legitimacy of the usage in Northern Dawan commercial area and entertainment area, or return to commercial and entertainment use. We’ll submit conclusions and bring suggestion to implement the spirit of public interest on industrial estate. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 100923007 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100923007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [Department of Land Economics] Theses
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