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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/67452
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    Title: 屬性組合影響B2B網路廣告效果之研究-以關鍵字廣告及橫幅廣告為例
    How Attributes Combination Affects the Advertising Effect of B2B Internet Marketing-The Case of Advertising Copies and Banner Advertisements
    Authors: 歐陽而美
    Ouyang, Erh Mei
    Contributors: 于卓民
    Yu, Chow Ming
    Ouyang, Erh Mei
    Keywords: B2B網路行銷
    B2B Internet marketing
    Ad copy
    Banner ad
    Click-through rate
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-14 11:25:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2009年全球廣告總量將會降低 6.9%,而網路則會是唯一廣告量成長的媒體。網路廣告中又以關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)所佔總體網路廣告營收的比例最高。關鍵字廣告為當網路使用者搜尋資訊時,鍵入關鍵字,文字廣告即會出現在搜尋結果的網頁中,與網路使用者的搜尋意圖互相連結;而橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)為靜態或動態之圖像式廣告,網路使用者點擊後可連至廣告主網頁。

    本研究探討屬性組合如何影響關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)之廣告效果,與B2B企業研華股份有限公司(Advantech Corporation)之數位行銷中心(Digital Marketing Center)合作,配合Google AdWords平台進行廣告投放之實證研究,觀察廣告之點擊率。為了解屬性組合如何影響廣告效果,本研究分為兩個部分:關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)。關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)部分,以「文化差異」與心理學理論之「自由需求(自由感)」之有無為自變項;橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)部分以「廣告尺寸」、「訴求導向」與「廣告主題」為自變項,兩種類型廣告之研究皆以廣告「點擊率」為應變項,試圖觀察不同屬性組合之下的廣告效果,以供B2B企業在執行網路行銷時之參考。

    研究結果發現,在具「文化差異」之國家下投放「自由需求(自由感)」之有無的關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy),其廣告點擊率具顯著差異;而「廣告尺寸」、「訴求導向」與「廣告主題」此三屬性組合下,「方型(300 x 250) x 應用領域資訊 x USP」此一廣告屬性組合獲得最佳之廣告點擊率。透過研究觀察,B2B企業可以此為未來關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)文案撰寫與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)文案設計之方向。
    Internet has become the second large media in recent years. For B2B company, Internet Advertising is an important channel to promote brand image and products as well. The most popular formats of Internet Advertising, according to Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), are Ad Copies and Banner Ads, which the revenue accounts for 43% and 19% respectively in 2013.

    The purpose of this study is to explore, for B2B company, how attributes combination affects the advertising effect. We cooperated with Advantech Corporation, a leading B2B company in providing innovative embedded and automation products and solutions, and used Google AdWords platform to advertise. In this study, we have two parts: Ad Copy and Banner Ad. For Ad Copy, we proposed two attributes: cultural differences and free-will choices; for Banner Ad, we selected three: banner size, appeal orientation, and advertising theme as attributes to verify the effects on ads clicking behavior. Click-through Rate dada were collected and analyzed from Google AdWords tracking system and campaign report.

    The results showed that Ad copies with free-will choices targeted in both Western and Eastern countries, Banner Ads with rectangle design, solution-oriented and unique selling point created better advertising effects. Furthermore, we also had discussion on the impact from product features and Ad positions to advertising effects. Finally, based on our findings, we provided B2B company marketers further suggestions for Ad Copy and Banner Ad execution and Ad content design.
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