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    题名: 從民主轉型到民主鞏固:蒙古與台灣之比較分析
    Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Mongolia and Taiwan
    作者: 額爾登巴雅爾
    Erdenebayar Munkhuu
    贡献者: 李酉潭
    Erdenebayar Munkhuu
    关键词: 蒙古
    democratic transition
    democratic consolidation
    political elites
    social movement
    constitutional system
    electoral systems
    日期: 2013
    上传时间: 2014-07-07 11:07:40 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本論文從轉型理論與大眾動員理論來探討蒙古與台灣在民主轉型時期其影響選舉制度與憲政制度的因素。其中,將選舉制度進一步區分為總統選舉制度和國會選舉制度,以了解政治菁英間的互動與社會運動此兩個自變項的影響力。在民主鞏固時期,本論文則聚焦在影響兩國採取不同憲政體制的因素,欲探討政治菁英改革的動機與當時政治脈絡如何促使蒙古採用總理總統制,如何使得台灣採用總統議會制。此外,社會運動對當時政治菁英是否亦發揮一定程度的作用,是否提升或阻礙憲政的改革,亦是本研究探討重點之一。
    In this dissertation, the theory of transition and mass mobilization trying to explore different factors between Mongolia and Taiwan in the period of democratic transition and its impact on the electoral system and constitutional system. The electoral system will be further divided into presidential and parliamentary, to understand the interaction of political elites, the social movements, and their influence on the electoral and constitutional systems. Then, this dissertation will focus on the factors of democratic consolidation, affecting Mongolia and Taiwan to develop into a different constitutional system, the political elite reform motivation and how the political context promoted the premier-presidentialism in Mongolia, and how Taiwan acquired the president-parliamentarism. Moreover, to understand whether social movements played a certain degree of influence on the political elites, or whether they enhanced or hindered the constitutional reform is also one of the priorities of this investigation research.
    The dissertation also pointed out the ruling elite under the pressure of democratic reform, when they began negotiations with the opposition movement elites, they had greater discretion. The interaction among the political elite was an important force to promote political reform, and the following Mongolia public protest social movement created the conditions to reach consensus among these elites, which led to constitutional reforms or the reform of electoral systems. On the constitutional system, in addition to the existing constitutional legacy of the political culture, the different preferences among the political elites, but also affect the development of the two countries constitutional system. In Mongolia, institutional legacy made constitutional system tend to presidentialism, however most of the political elites prefer a more decentralized parliamentary system, in political consultations finally led to the implementation of semi-presidentialism. In Taiwan, the interaction with the conservative and the reformist political elite contributed to the impact of semi-presidentialism, however, there are indirect effects on the relevance of social movements either.
    The period of democratic consolidation in Taiwan and Mongolia was dominated by the political elites on constitutional system, the interaction among the political elites mainly affected the establishment of the constitutional system. The DPP won the presidency and the KMT the parliamentary majority, and the interaction of these political elites tend to shape Taiwan’s president-parliamentarism. In Mongolia, the Democratic Party political elite, with parliamentary majority, and the opposition MPRP political elite interaction evolved to premier-presidentialism. Although civil society had no direct impact on the constitutional system establishment, however, the development of civil society in Taiwan and Mongolia played an important role to consolidate the nascent democratic institutions.
    In conclusion, from Mongolian and Taiwan experience, we can understand that the motivation for the reforms of the political elite and the social movement pressure are the key for a particular electoral and constitutional system to be established.
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