題名: | 電腦支援協作知識翻新教學與提升學生科學理論本質理解之相關研究 Exploring the Relationships between Computer-Supported Collaborative Knowledge Building and Students’ Understanding of the Nature of Scientific Theories |
作者: | 李佩蓉 Li, Pei Jung |
貢獻者: | 洪煌堯 Hong, Huang Yao 李佩蓉 Li, Pei Jung |
關鍵詞: | 科學理論本質 知識翻新教學法 電腦支援協作學習 Nature of scientific theories knowledge building computer-supported collaborative learning |
日期: | 2013 |
上傳時間: | 2014-07-01 12:20:56 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究旨在探討,基於知識翻新教學(knowledge building pedagogy)所建立的電腦支援協作學習環境,能否協助提昇學生對科學理論本質的理解。研究對象為52位修習「自然科學概論」課程的大學生。教學設計以知識翻新教學法為原則,並輔以知識論壇(Knowledge Forum)線上合作學習平台。 資料來源包括:(1)學期前後對科學理論本質理解之開放式問卷;(2)平台討論內容;(3)平台活動量(包括貼文數、回文數等數據資料等)。資料分析採用質性內容分析法及量化成對T考驗、卡方考驗等方式。 研究結果指出:(1)經由知識翻新教學,學生於學期後對科學理論本質理解產生顯著轉變。學生對科學理論本質的觀點,在期初較偏向邏輯實證主義:認為理論主要來自於對自然界的觀察、發現;或視理論為絕對客觀、正確的實驗結果;或認為理論主要是經由科學家個人所產生,並且是一種具有權威性且不可改變的存在。然而,在期末時,學生對理論本質的理解則轉變為比較建構取向的理解:認為理論是科學家或科學社群的發明,其結果受社會與人文因素等影響;或認為理論本身可以透過某些標準被評價,例如解釋力、適當性、邏輯流暢度等,因此理論能夠被不斷翻新修正。(2)學生在學習平台上進行探究活動中呈現的科學概念層次隨時間經過而不斷進步。學生在後半學期能使用更明確而具體的科學訊息、證據,對議題進行討論。(3)最後,學生對科學理論本質理解的轉變,以及其科學探究概念層次的高低,皆與其在平台活動量(如參與程度等)有正向關連。 針對上述結果,本研究提出相關討論與建議,以供現場教師或未來研究者之用。 The aim of this study was to investigate whether students can develop a better understanding of the nature of scientific theories after engaging in a computer supported collaborative knowledge building environment. Participants were 52 undergraduate students who took a course about nature sciences. The instruction of this course was designed based on knowledge building pedagogy, using Knowledge Forum as a tool for students to construct their theories about scientific phenomena through online collaboration. Data sources included: (1) a pre-post open-ended questionnaire that investigated students’ understanding of the nature of scientific theories; (2) the content of an online forum in which students posted their ideas; (3) students’ activities in the forum, for instance, number of students’ notes contributed, or number of notes built-on to each other’s notes. Data were analyzed through both qualitative and quantitative methods. From a qualitative perspective, we used content analysis to evaluate the quality of students’ discussion; from a quantitative perspectivea, paired t-test and chi-square were used to examine students’ change of views regarding the nature of scientific theories after the course. The results showed that after a semester, students were able to develop a more constructivist-oriented view toward the nature of scientific theories. Their view shifted from a more positivist-oriented perspective to a more constructivist-oriented one. Further, the finding showed that there was significant improvement in students’ scientific inquiry as reflected in the progressively more sophisticated levels of the scientific concepts discussed online. Moreover, it was found that there was a statistically significant, positive correlation between students’ enhanced understanding of the nature of scientific theory and the intensity of students’ online activities. Additionally, the results also indicated that there was a significant, positive correlation between the depth of students’ scientific inquiry ( as reflected in the concepts inquired and discussed online) and the extent of students’ online activities. Some further suggestions and implications were also discussed in the study. |
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資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101152005 |
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