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    Title: 知識翻新課程對師培生教學反思與教學實務知識探究之影響
    Effects of collaborative knowledge building on teacher-education students’ teaching reflection and practical knowledge
    Authors: 花儷月
    Hua, Li Yueh
    Contributors: 洪煌堯
    Hong, Huang Yao
    Hua, Li Yueh
    Keywords: 知識翻新
    knowledge building
    teacher-education students
    teaching reflection
    practical knowledge
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-01 12:20:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討師培生能否透過知識翻新(knowledge building)課程活動,進行教學反思以增進對教學實務知識的理解。本研究使用個案研究法。研究對象為修習「數學教材教法」課程(共18週)之9位師培生。資料來源與分析包括:(1)教學實務知識反思問卷—本問卷參考Mishra和Koehler (2006)提出的科技學科教學知識(technological pedagogical content knowledge, TPACK)架構,以七項教學知識類型進行學生教學反思內容之編碼,透過相依樣本無母數檢定,比較學期前後師培生在教學實務知識上的改變或成長;(2)師培生的教案設計反思--以Sawyer(2004)創意教學設計取向作為編碼,對師培生兩次的教學設計取向進行相依樣本無母數檢定比較;(3)師培生於知識論壇(Knowledge Forum)上的互動情形--資料分析係透過知識論壇的內建工具(analytic toolkit),主要分析師培生於知識論壇張貼文章、閱讀貼文等相關學習社群互動資料,並以相依樣本無母數檢定,比較師培生於學期前後的社群互動的情況;以及(4)同儕的教學回饋--本分析主要參考Cheng和Hou(2013),以及Tsai和Liang(2009)的同儕回饋(peer feedback)架構,以編修後的回饋品質編碼內容分析回饋的品質和類型是否有所改變。研究結果顯示:(1)以知識翻新課程協助師培生進行教學反思,可增進師培生教學實務知識;(2)知識翻新課程鼓勵教案設計的多元發展,透過嘗試不同教案設計,有助於師培生進行教學反思;(3)知識翻新課程設計有助於提升師培生的教學回饋品質;(4)鼓勵師培生給予同儕教學回饋,有助於師培生的教學反思與成長。根據研究結果,本研究提出以下相關建議供未來師資培育之參考:(1)師資培育過程可以安排更多教學實踐課程,提供師培生實際設計教案並加以實踐之機會;(2)師資培育課程可引導師培生進行同儕回饋之活動,以增加其參與學習社群討論之經驗,並鼓勵師培生參與教學專業學習社群;(3)師資培育過程應加強師培生的教學反思能力,並協助其瞭解自我教學實務知識。透過教學反思與探究,培養其成為具備永續學習能力的自主學習者,與具備精進教學專業能力的教育工作者。
    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether teacher-education students can improve their practical teaching knowledge through reflection on their design of teaching activities under the guidance of knowledge building theory and pedagogy. The present study was a case study with participants coming from 9 teacher-education students who engaged in a math-teaching course for one semester (about 18 weeks). The course was designed based on knowledge building theory and pedagogy. Data sources and analysis included: (1) a reflection survey concerning practical teaching knowledge: this survey was designed using Mishra and Koehler’s conceptual framework of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Analysis compared pre-post test results by means of Wilcoxon sign-rank test; (2) teacher-education students’ reflections on teaching design: analysis compared students’ design orientation for two separate but related teaching practices, and the results was content-analyzed using Sawyer’s creative teaching approach as cording scheme; (3) teacher-education students’ interaction logs recorded in Knowledge Forum: analysis compared students’ online performance in two different online phases focusing on students’ interaction activities, and the focus of analysis was on calculating the frequency of online activities in the forum; and (4) content analysis of students’ peer feedback: analysis was based on the feedback framework that was modified from coding schemes derived from Cheng and Hou’s (2013) research, and Tsai and Liang’s (2009) research. The findings were as follows: (1) teacher-education students were able to improve their practical knowledge after they reflected on their teaching design and practices under the guidance of knowledge building pedagogy; (2) engaging students in knowledge building was likely to enhance their teaching designs, and encouraged their teaching reflection capacity; (3) fostering a knowledge building environment was beneficial for students to enhance their feedback activities and quality; and (4) teacher-education students were able to advance their practical knowledge and became more reflective about their own teaching with the help of peer feedback. Building on these results, this study made the following suggestions: (1) providing opportunities for students to design teaching activities and teaching practices is beneficial for improving the quality of the course of teacher education; (2) enhancing the experiences of collaborative learning through peer feedback and discussion activities is a useful instructional approach for teacher education. It would be of great help to encourage teacher-education students to participate in teachers’ professional learning communities; and (3) enhancing teacher-education students’ ability of self-reflection in order to better understand themselves in terms of practical knowledge in teacher education is important as a way to help teacher-education students learn how to teach better. Doing so can help make these students develop a mental habit of critical and reflective thinking for their own teaching.
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