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Title: | 事業廢棄物產業群聚與跨界網絡之研究 A Study of Industry Cluster and Trans-border Networks in the Industrial Waste |
Authors: | 葉文芝 Yeh,Wen Chih |
Contributors: | 邊泰明 Ben,Tai Ming 葉文芝 Yeh,Wen Chih |
Keywords: | 清遠再生銅產業 產業群聚 跨界網絡 研發創新 Recycled copper industry in Qingyuan Industry cluster Trans-border Networks R&D innovation |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-07-01 12:17:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要是以產業群聚、跨界網絡與研發創新觀點,分析廣東省清遠再生銅產業所形塑出之產業群聚現象。在台灣與清遠地區產業制度變遷的發展過程中,跨界與在地網絡的連結不但對清遠地區在地產業內的權力結構產生衝擊,更因此激勵在地事業機構間對研發創新的渴望。
研究結果發現:清遠再生銅產業之群聚現象,除了可歸於中國中央與地方政府的強制規劃外,台灣事業機構提供廢貨源、資訊、技術、經營管理理念與資金於當地,是促進當地產業群聚的重要推手。隨群聚內的事業體系間的相互提攜與擴溢,間接促使產業內結構得以調整,而使在地企業得以改造,更激發出產業升級、研發創新與當地居民向心力的凝聚。跨界網絡融入清遠在地網絡後,因外部知識的潛在價值,更有利於在地事業機構本身的吸收。而台灣與清遠地區事業廢棄物產業的研發創新的出發點是各自獨立的體系,但隨台灣事業機構於清遠地區取得專利後,亦會藉由知識分享或透過支付權利金模式回饋與台灣境內公司,因此台灣與清遠地區事業廢棄物產業在研發創新的道路上漸漸從分壘的平行線轉向分享的交叉線上。 This study analyzes the industry cluster established by the recycled copper industry in Qingyuan, Guangdong, primarily from the perspective of industry clusters, trans-border networks, and R&D innovation. During the development process of the industrial system transition on Taiwan and Qingyuan Area , connections between trans-border and local networks not only had an impact on domestic industry power structures in Qingyuan Area, but also stimulated a desire for R&D innovation within local enterprises organizations.
The results of the study indicate that in addition to attributing the clustering of the recycled copper industry to mandatory plans by the central and local governments in China, Taiwan enterprises provide waste sources, information, technology, management philosophy and funds, is an important promoter to promote local in industry cluster , mutual support and expansion among the industry cluster enterprises systems indirectly prompted internal industry adjustments, resulting in the restructuring of local enterprises, which further inspired industry upgrading, innovation, and cohesiveness among local residents. As trans-border networks gradually blended into Qingyuan Area domestic networks, the potential value from external knowledge was more readily available for local enterprises to absorb. While the starting points of R&D innovation arose from individual systems on Taiwan and Qingyuan Area, benefits could be reaped by enterprises in Taiwan through shared knowledge or paid royalties when trans-border enterprises acquired patents in Qingyuan Area. Therefore, on the road to R&D innovation, industries on Taiwan and Qingyuan Area transformed from following separate, parallel routes to sharing a single route. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 100923023 102 |
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