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    Title: 上市營造業總體獲利與經營策略關係之研究-以某個案公司為例
    Case Studies Of The Relationship Between The Gross Profit and Business Strategy for The Listed Construction Industry
    Authors: 廖肇邦
    Liao, Chao Bang
    Contributors: 周宣光
    Liao, Chao Bang
    Keywords: EPS
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-01 12:09:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,台灣營造業生產毛額佔國內生產毛額之比例持續下降,過去均能維持在22%以上,於2000年後則大幅下降至16%,西元2004年時更創下1.91%的歷史新低。此外,政府經建發展之公共工程預算則由1980年代的20.73%逐年下降至2008年的12.45%。顯示政府近年來對於營造產業的投資逐年下降。



    本研究針對上市營造業從2008至2012年總體獲利與經營策略進行研究。經由營造業上市公司的年報開始蒐集,進行營收及總體獲利的比較,探討獲利高低與其經營策略之關係。其次針對獲利較佳的營造廠探討其策略方針是否符合白地策略(White Space)的核心架構。



    After 2000, gross production of the construction industry in Taiwan continues to decline. In the past, gross production of the construction industry usually maintains around 22% of Taiwan’s national gross production. Since 2000, this ratio has declined significantly down to 16%. There was even an historical low of 1.91% in 2004. Additionally, the budget for public construction projects in government’s economic development plans suffered annual decreases from 20.73% in the 1980 era down to 12.45% in 2008. This is an obvious indication of annual drops of government’s investments in construction industry in recent years.

    As the outlook for positive growth interrupted by troubles in national politics in Taiwan, the construction business’ view of prosperity continues to slide. Despite government’s active effort to create future large scale projects and plans to attract private investments into public works, the setback of Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System Construction Project unable to open to passenger usage, and government’s repeated delays of schedule for open to traffic, has led social public opinions to miss focus of expectation and importance of government public works projects. Facing the uncertainty of not seeing fading influence by internal and external political and economic interruptions, and the change of operational and environmental dynamics, what is the proper response and plan for the construction industry?

    Therefore, it’s the goal of this article to study the relationship between construction companies’ EPS and their business strategies, analyze the profitability of publically traded construction companies and see if there are any ties to the difference in their business strategies? Have they properly checked the operational risks and formulated their business strategies accordingly? Or, if they already are facing the potential risks but not aware of it?

    This article focuses on the study of publically traded construction companies’ overall profit and business strategies between 2008 and 2012. Based on the collection of publically traded construction companies’ annual reports, compare their business strategies and overall profits, explore the relationship between profit and business strategy. Then narrow down to the companies with higher profits to see if their strategy guidelines fit the core architecture of White Space.

    This study discovered that the publically traded construction companies may strengthen their competitive advantage by their business strategies, expand market in White Space, and increase profits. Through the ranking of construction companies’ competitive scores designed by this study, the business strategies of companies that ranked lower have the following common characteristics: passive business strategy, lack of initiative to transform, adjust contract bidding and cases based only on the limit of existing market, no clearly defined long and short term business strategies and goals.

    This study revealed construction companies such as Te Chang Construction Co., LTD, Ruentex, Long Da Construction and Development Corporation, Continental Holdings Corp., and Da-Cin Construction have differentiated themselves from other companies in the development of their business strategies, and have shown the effect in the recent one or two years. The business strategies of these five companies fit the concept of the White Space core architecture, and led the continuous growth of companies’ profit growth. However, under the different sizes of companies and their organizations, the developed final business models also led to different areas.

    Finally, through this study, we hope to explore and facilitate discussion of construction companies’ plans for development of business strategies, and hope to help increase case company’s overall operational efficiency.

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101932013
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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