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Title: | 廣告代理商商業模式創新之探討 - 以台灣T公司為例 The Study of the Business Model Innovation of Advertising Agency - Take Agency T As An Example |
Authors: | 劉政惠 Liu, Cheng Huei |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 Wen, Chao Tung 劉政惠 Liu, Cheng Huei |
Keywords: | 商業模式 廣告業 廣告代理商 策略聯盟 創新 Business Model Advertising Industry Advertising Agency Strategic Alliance Innovation |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-07-01 12:08:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在國內文化創意產業蓬勃發展之際,因外在環境的景氣不佳,讓不少廣告客戶緊縮預算,加上外商的廣告集團逐漸將市場經營重心移至中國,台灣廣告代理業似乎走到了谷底。然而,新創T公司不同於上述消極態度,認為應該改變規則,主動形塑新局面,因為外在環境愈是艱困,愈能突顯自我的存在價值,而且本土廣告業者具有機動性高與應變能力強的優勢,反而會比外商廣告集團多了自由揮灑的舞台空間,更有機會來取得廣告客戶的青睞。
本研究採用質性研究法,選擇T公司個案來呈現,因這家新創公司的經營思維與特色,在國內的廣告代理業可謂是首見,本研究的目的是對比、分析T公司與傳統廣告代理商的商業模式,進而找出兩者之間的差異處,主要是依據兩位學者Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010)所提出的商業模式圖(Business model canvas)作為研究模型。
多數的台灣廣告代理商,已面臨廣告本業的成長力道不足以因應數位洪流來臨的速度與壓力,本研究相信經營管理階層可透過商業模式創新來尋求再度演進,亦即廣告代理商需跳脫原來的核心領域與舒適圈,懂得對應數位化所引發的領導、策略、組織及人才等各方面問題,繼而創造出比廣告核心更核心的東西;本研究建議傳統廣告業者須要積極轉型、全面革新,以適應截然不同的數位思維,建立跨領域的團隊,開創出具有成長利基的新商業機會。 Although cultural creativity industry in Taiwan is blooming, many potential advertising clients in various fields have tightened their budgets due to the economical adversity. In addition, foreign advertising communication groups have gradually shifted their marketing management focus to Mainland China, advertising agencies seem to have a serious slump. However, different from other pessimistic advertising communication groups, Agency T, a newly established advertising firm, has a more aggressive approach. Agency T believes that the slower the economy is, the more value of an advertising agency can be shown. The advantages of higher flexibility and quicker mobility than foreign agencies would have better chances to impress their potential clients more.
Agency T was selected as the case study for its innovative business management philosophy and uniqueness in its industry. In this research, a business model was developed based on Business Model Canvas proposed by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010); a qualitative analysis method was used to compare and analyze the difference between the business models of Agency T and other conventional advertising agencies.
The research result has shown that although Agency T had limited resources and technical ability, by providing service to a different clientele group to create a “multi-win” cooperative business opportunity with its rivalry instead of joining “winner takes all” biddings against other conventional advertising companies, it generated a greater profit. Not only by consolidating resources and sales to deliver a message of its marketing service advantages to its clients, it also strategically allied with advertising and marketing firms to form a tailor-made team to develop new business.
Most local Taiwanese advertising agencies have been facing the pressure of the growth recession in advertising demand and speed of digitalization. This research has proved that the management level executives can create new business opportunities by developing another innovative business models. In other words, advertising firms must jump out of their core field and comfort zone in addition to solving problems involving leadership, strategies, organizations and talents triggered by digitalization. This way, a core field that is “more core” than the advertising field will be developed. This research suggested conventional advertising firms ought to transform, revolutionize to adapt digitalization and to establish interdisciplinary teams to generate profitable business prospects. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 99932084 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099932084 |
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