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    Title: 綠色品牌聯想的建構與分析
    Construction and Analysis of Green Brand Associations
    Authors: 王慧茹
    Contributors: 洪順慶
    Horng, Shun Ching
    Keywords: 綠色品牌聯想
    green brand associations
    network analysis
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-01 12:02:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,愈來愈多的企業願意採取社會責任及環保意識的方式建構綠色品牌以達到競爭優勢。企業綠色相關的議題在過去30年來,已成為重要的學術研究主題;然而,較少的研究將焦點置於綠色品牌,特別是綠色品牌聯想。
    In recent years, more and more enterprises are willing to act in socially responsible and environmentally aware ways for building a strong green brand and achieving competitive advantage. Green related issues in enterprises have been an important academic research topic for at least three decades; however, few studies have focused on green branding, specifically the “green brand associations.”
    Brand associations have been recognized as a most important component of brand equity, and received much attention from researchers over the past years. Nevertheless, most of the empirical studies related to brand associations have been limited to the branding context of consuming products instead of “green branding.” Specifically, although various techniques of both quantitative and qualitative methods have been utilized by researchers to elicit and measure brand associations, few of them consider the brand associations as a network and their non-verbal nature which are unable to thoroughly reflect the mental configuration of consumers’ brand knowledge.
    To get a deeper and more nuanced understanding of green brand associations, the study aims to uncover the content of consumers’ green brand associations and systematically analyze their structural relations via the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) and network analysis method. The results reveal 74 associations which are summarized into 7 themes and embedded in a hierarchy of a mental model across three brands in food and restaurant service industry, and uncover various branded features and complements in the structural relations among these associations. These findings have advantageous implications for theoretical construction and practical management of green branding.
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