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Title: | 論飯店業主與國際連鎖飯店品牌合作的問題與挑戰 The Issues and Challenges in Cooperation between Hotel Owners and International Hotel Brands |
Authors: | 闞耀榮 |
Contributors: | 馮震宇 闞耀榮 |
Keywords: | 委託管理 飯店業主 酒店管理公司 特許經營 Management Hotel Owner Hotel Management Company Franchise |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2014-06-04 14:43:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 飯店的經營管理是高度整合各項細節與資源後提供服務的產業,飯店業主在選擇踏入飯 店產業時,可以選擇自組營運團隊,或因不熟悉專業營運的領域,可視經營規模的大小 與飯店定位的不同,委託國際連鎖飯店品牌管理公司來代為經營管理飯店。以委託經營 管理為例,業主在飯店開始營運初期大多數會尊重管理公司的營運標準與業務執行方向, 經過一段時間後,業主為了日後自行經營或為了繼續發展連鎖飯店的目的,對飯店營運 的介入程度相對加深,雙方在營運方面的歧見也日益增多。雖如此,管理公司通常會採 取較低調的姿態維護委任關係的延續,同時也採取繼續拓展委託經營管理市場的策略, 以因應雙方合作可能產生的變數。在業主需要管理公司的專業經營及管理公司需要維護 與業主間委託經營合約的情形下,業主與營運商之間即產生了合作上的兩難。以目前飯 店產業的型態,此關係的消長對飯店營運績效必然會產生影響。雙方應該強化溝通提高 互信之外,實務上必須有更積極的做法來解決雙方的歧見。 In hospitality industry, running a hotel needs highly integration of all details and resources to provide good services to customers. Hotel owners can either choose to operate on their own or find an international brand according to the business scope and customer orientation to operate under a management contract if they are not familiar with hospitality industry. Taking operating under a management contract as an example, hotel owners can respect management companies` standards and operation at first. However, after a period of time, hotel owners would try to get more involved in the daily operation for the purpose of learning to be a self-operator someday or developing chain hotels, and it will lead both sides to a separated way on hotel`s daily operation. But even so, management companies are still inclined to have the management contracts sustained, and also keep searching opportunities to expand their market share in the mean time to deal with further unpredictable changes under current contracts. It is the reason caused the dilemma between hotel owners and management companies whether to maintain cooperating relationships or not and certainly will have effect on management companies` operation performance. Aside from having more effective communications to establish trust between each other, there are some affirmative ways to solve the dilemma. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 100932420 101 |
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