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Title: | 社群媒體與音樂消費:以K-Pop迷群為例 Social media and music consumption: K-Pop fan community as an example |
Authors: | 徐韻婷 Hsu, Yu Ting |
Contributors: | 張瑜倩 Chang , Yu Chien 徐韻婷 Hsu, Yu Ting |
Keywords: | K-Pop 社群媒體 社群網站 音樂消費 Super Junior 迷社群 K-Pop social media fan community music consumption Super Junior |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-05-01 15:21:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 韓國的文化工業發展興盛,「韓流」以韓劇的出口為開端,近年來隨著韓國流行音樂 (K-Pop) 不斷向海外擴張,韓流不僅影響亞洲各國,在歐美各國也掀起一股潮流,而社群媒體可說是這股風潮的重要推手。藉著社群媒體,K-Pop觸及了更廣大的聽眾群,歌迷也可藉著社群媒體直接表達對於偶像的喜愛及忠誠。
檢視過去對於迷社群的研究,多從社會學及心理學的角度出發,缺乏從商學的角度切入的觀點,本研究旨在瞭解在數位音樂時代,社群媒體以及利用社群媒體串聯的迷社群,對於迷群音樂消費的影響。本研究以韓國偶像團體Super Junior的迷群為研究對象,以深度訪談方式,訪談11位Super Junior迷,了解迷的社群媒體使用習慣,以及社群媒體上的互動跟迷的音樂消費之間的關聯性。
經過深度訪談及資料分析,本研究得出以下三點結論:(1) 透過社群媒體集結的迷群,相較傳統的迷社群,雖然信任關係發展較慢,但社群媒體的人際關係發展與真實生活較貼近,在社群媒體的上的互動,對社群內部成員有較高的影響力;(2) 社群媒體對於迷群而言具有多重的功能:與Super Junior成員直接互動的工具、獲取最新資訊的管道、擴散有時效性訊息的媒介、和其他迷互動的媒介。在音樂消費的過程中,社群媒體除了是消費資訊來源地,也是買家跟賣家的媒合地,迷對於來自於社群內部的消費資訊有較高的信任感,因此雖然社群媒體上的迷群互動不會直接將使用者變成消費者,卻可以促成消費的完成,對於音樂消費有重要影響;(3) 社群媒體在音樂產業中扮演三個角色:音樂消費與擴散的媒介、音樂相關資訊的集中地、促成產業內各角色 (迷、歌手、唱片公司) 之間的交換 (exchange)。 Korea’s cultural industry has enjoyed rapid growth due to the rise of “Korean wave (hallyu)”, which is led by Korean drama since 1990s. Korean wave has conquered Asia, but now with the rise of K-Pop, Korean wave reaches a wider audience in the West. Social media plays a crucial role for Hallyu’s success in the global level. Social networking media make K-Pop brands easier to reach global audience, and those fans use these media tools to proclaim their devotion and to promote K-Pop to their friends. This research categorizes music products into musical product, including records and live concert, and non-musical associated product, including concert paraphernalia. New digital technologies have transformed the ways of music consumption which results in decline in sales of musical products. However, fans tend to engage with a variety of products related to their interests, and their consumption on live concerts and non-musical associated product is getting important for music industry. Existing research on fan culture mainly comes from sociology or psychology viewpoint. This research discusses fan music consumption from management perspective and tries to explore the role social media plays to influence music consumption. This research uses the most popular K-Pop group, “Super Junior,” as a case. Through interviewing 11 Super Junior fans, this research examines how fans use social media to communicate and interacts with other fans in the fan community. Through in-depth interviews and data analysis, there are three main findings concluded by this research. First, compared to traditional virtual fan community, in terms of virtual fan community, it takes longer to develop the trust relationship on social media. However, the way fans communicate on social media is closer to the real life. As a result, interactions on social media influence members much greatly. Second, social media is a multi-function tool for fans, which allows them to directly communicate with Super Junior members, to quickly receive the latest information from other countries, to quickly spread timeliness information, and to communicate with other fans. Therefore, social media and fan community do contribute to fulfillment of music consumption. Last, social media plays three roles in music industry: the platform of media of music consumption and diffusion, a place where all music-related information are collected, a contributor to exchange between different players (fans, singers, music companies) in the music industry. |
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