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    Title: 潤滑油之客戶開發經營策略影響交易成效之研究
    Research of the Business Strategies of the Lubricants Customer Prospecting affect the Trading effect
    Authors: 胡晉誠
    Contributors: 鄭宇庭
    Keywords: 羅吉斯廻歸分析
    Meter loop logistic regression analysis
    customer development
    trading results
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-05-01 15:18:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,當國內工業為能適應整體經濟環境的衝擊,而提高自我的競爭力時,相對設備的良莠便成為不可忽視的要項。而在此同時,潤滑油的優劣也成為兵家必爭,因為當潤滑功能好,相對可以降低機械或機具的維修期程,更能提高生產能量,同時也可以提高企業的競爭力。因此,如何透過客戶開發來開啟潤滑油產業的經營成效,是值得潤滑油業者探討的方向。
    一、 有近九成的訂單成立件數是來自潤滑油為一個月的使用壽命;
    二、 近七成客戶認為潤滑油每天使用6次;
    三、 Auto Grease 及Grease Gun等保養方式之訂單未成立的比例較高;
    四、 屬於Leak之關鍵問題的訂單未成立的比例較高;
    五、 訂單成立與否與保養方式、潤滑油每天使用次數、使用溫度有顯著影響。
    In recent years , when the domestic industry is able to adapt to the impact of the overall economic environment, and improve the competitiveness of the self , the equipment has become relatively good and bad can not be ignored key elements . In the meantime, the merits of oil has become the battleground , as well as lubrication , machinery or equipment can be reduced relative to the maintenance of way , can increase the production of energy , but also can improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, how to open the operation by the customer to develop the effectiveness of the oil industry , oil industry is worth exploring direction .
    This study proposes a cross analysis of statistical methods and logistic regression analysis meter loop , etc., oil life study , the number of daily use , maintenance mode , the key question to ask customers to develop the use of temperature and other variables on lubricants term relationship or not the order established between . Study found as following:
    First, nearly nine-tenths of the order established number of pieces from the life of the lubricating oil for the month ;
    Two that nearly 70% of customers believe that the use of lubricants six times a day ;
    Third, a higher proportion of orders Auto Grease and Grease Gun by way of maintenance , etc. is not established ;
    Fourth, a higher proportion are key issues Leak `s orders are not established ;
    Five orders established or not and maintenance methods , the number of daily oil use , temperature has a significant effect .
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