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    Title: 表演藝術團體運用網路社群媒體平台營運之關鍵成功因素探究
    The Key Success Factors in Employing the Media Platforms of Social Networking Websites by Performing Arts Groups
    Authors: 劉小雯
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Keywords: 表演藝術團體
    Performing Arts Groups
    Relationship Marketing
    Experiential Marketing
    Media Platforms of Social Networking Websites
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2014-05-01 15:17:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路社群媒體平台可能是數位發行的年代中至目前為止最具有威力的媒體平台。整合Facebook、部落格、微網誌、影音社群、SNS(Social Networking Service ),即時通訊等的網路社群媒體平台,可與真實資料的他人免費、不受時空限制的合作、共同參與、分享彼此資源資訊,使得訊息發送、情感聯繫不但更加緊密並快速營造如朋友社群般的關係影響力,再加上無線網路環境和數位化載具的快速進展,智慧型手機IPAD等滿足了大家的多元即時性,網路社群媒體平台串聯出的威力和影響力,已成為傳統媒體之外的另一個發聲利器,其威力甚至有時要比傳統媒體還要強烈,影響還要深遠!








    In the digital publishing era, the media platforms of social networking websites have probably been the most powerful figure by far.

    By integrating the social networking websites of Facebook, blogs, microblogs, video-sharing websites, SNS (Social Networking Service), people can join and share resources and information and get from people their substantial cooperation that is free and unlimited by time and space.The delivery of messages can be speedier, and relation closer; moreover, the effect as that produced within a community of friends can thus be developed.Due to the highly advanced WiFi and digital devices, smartphones and tablet computers meet the need for diversity and instantaneity.The power and influence gained by integrating media platforms of social networking websites has become efficiently instrumental for one to be heard, and its force can reach far greater and deeper than the traditional media!

    The research aims at exploring issues concerning what the value media platforms of social networking websites can have on performing arts groups, how to run the groups through those platforms, and the key factors of success, in order to draw the attention from and increase the understanding of the public.

    The subjects chosen in this study are performing arts groups that have been active in media platforms of social networking websites in Taiwan. In-depth interview and observation will be used in exploring each case. Foreign performing arts groups will also be observed at the scene and studied; besides, the documentation of secondary materials will be collected, analyzed and discussed.

    Topic 1
    What is the value of media platforms of social networking websites to performing arts groups?

    Conclusion 1
    There are two valuable facts:
    1.The relation between media platforms of social networking websites and performing arts groups belongs to virtual "Type A" cooperation.
    2.Media platforms of social networking websites function as an alternative micro "online stage" of performing arts groups, and that is also the realization of the extension of experience economy.

    Topic 2
    In what ways can media platforms of social networking websites help operate performing arts groups?

    Conclusion 2
    There are five ways:
    1.Media platforms of social networking websites allow greater independence and control for performing arts groups in promoting their works, as if they own a channel exclusive for themselves, broadcasting non-stop and without cost.
    2.Media platforms of social networking websites can help broaden the targeted audience, and make the interaction between them closer.
    3.Media platforms of social networking websites can help local performing arts groups increase their visibility overseas and thus the number of foreign fans.
    4.The free-of-charge feature and highly accessibility of media platforms of social networking websites allows the non-profit performing arts groups to save much of the cost of hardware, software and training, even the promotion.
    5.Media platforms of social networking websites have successfully assisted performing arts groups to sell merchandise and tickets, and to raise funds.

    Topic 3
    What are the KSF (Key Success Factors) in the employment of media platforms of social networking websites by performing arts groups?

    Conclusion 3
    The KSF are:
    1.The force created by performing arts groups using sensory experience to tell stories can encourage and control the interaction and attachment of the audience.
    2.Creativity, theme planning, knowledge imparted, and the sincere and diligent posting of messages that are service-based, audience-centered, still serve essentially to attract the public that may increase in number and be willing to cooperate and share with each other day after day.
    3.Stars are invincible! The messages and presence of, and the interaction with the key figures of performing arts groups can make the audience crazy and thus get closer to share.
    4.The understanding of the characteristics, functions, operating skills of media platforms of social networking websites by performing arts groups, plus the full support from the person in charge, is the crucial factors of success.
    "第一章緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究目的與問題 6
    第二章 文獻探討 7
    第一節 Web2.0 7
    第二節 網路社群媒體平台 11
    一、網路社群媒體平台的定義 13
    二、Facebook 16
    三、部落格 (Blog) 25
    四、微網誌 29
    五、網路影音分享網站 31
    六、其他 33
    第三節 A型團隊 34
    第四節 體驗行銷 35
    一、體驗的定義 35
    二、體驗經濟 37
    三、體驗行銷 39
    第五節 關係行銷 49
    一、關係行銷的定義 49
    二、關係行銷的演進 50
    三、關係行銷的利益 52
    四、關係行銷的階段 53
    五、關係行銷的層級 55
    六、小結 57
    第六節 網路社群行銷 58
    第三章 研究方法 65
    第一節 研究設計與流程 65
    一、研究設計 65
    二、研究流程 66
    第二節 研究架構 67
    第三節 研究限制 68
    第四節 個案選取 69
    第四章 個案研究 71
    第一節 好戲開鑼 71
    一、個案簡介 71
    二、個案使用網路社群媒體平台之情形 71
    第二節 人力飛行劇團 75
    一、個案簡介 75
    二、TU個案使用網路社群媒體平台之情形 76
    第三節 莎妹劇團 78
    一、個案簡介 78
    二、個案使用網路社群媒體平台之情形 78
    第四節 台北市立交響樂團 82
    一、個案簡介 82
    二、個案使用部落格及網路社群之情形 82
    第五節 明華園 85
    一、個案簡介 85
    二、個案使用網路社群媒體平台之情形 85
    第六節 屏風表演班 88
    一、個案簡介 88
    二、個案使用網路社群媒體平台之情形 88
    第七節 雲門舞集 90
    一、個案簡介 90
    二、個案使用網路社群媒體平台之情形 90
    第八節 Alvin Ailey舞團 93
    一、個案簡介 93
    二、個案使用網路社群媒體平台之情形 93
    第九節 太陽馬戲團 95
    一、個案簡介 95
    二、個案使用網路社群媒體平台之情形 95
    第十節 New York Philharmonic 98
    一、個案簡介 98
    二、個案使用網路社群媒體平台之情形 98
    第五章 研究發現 100
    第一節 個案比較分析 100
    第二節 研究發現 106
    第六章 研究結論與建議 110
    第一節 研究結論 110
    第二節 研究建議 112
    一、對於表演藝術團體的建議 112
    二、對於國內其他相關業者的建議 112
    三、對於國內政府相關單位的建議 112
    第三節 後續研究建議 113
    參考文獻 114
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097932073
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