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Title: | 影響醫院儀器採購決策因素探討 A Study on the Factors of Procurement Decisions |
Authors: | 簡嘉儀 Chien, Chia I |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi Chia 簡嘉儀 Chien, Chia I |
Keywords: | 醫療儀器 採購決策 醫學美容儀器 影像醫學儀器 medical instruments procurement decision aesthetic device medical imaging device |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-04-01 11:15:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究選取國內七間不同層級的公私立醫院,藉由與院方相關決策人員的深度訪談,以個案研究方法,探討各級醫院對於美容雷射儀器與高階影像醫療儀器之採購決策行為,研究中設定「首次採購新型儀器」與「後續購買改良型儀器」的兩種決策情境,以採購意願、採用規格與採用速度等三大決策面向,分析歸納各級醫院對於高階決策的決策行為與考量因素之異同。
就各層級醫院採購決策的考量因素而言,儀器預期的財務性效益大多是首要考量,私立醫院較公立醫院更注重之,地區醫院則較醫學中心在意儀器的性價比。此外,貴重儀器之醫療必要性的高低亦造成不同層級醫院的決策差異,儀器本身的技術含量與技術創新速度也可能影響醫院採購的意願。 There are two purposes of this research. The first purpose is to explore how the ownership of hospitals and the features of devices impact on medical procurement decisions. The second purpose is to investigate the factors affecting innovation adoption of medical devices. Based on the case studies of procurement decision experiences made by seven selected hospitals and medical centers in Taiwan, the study focuses on analyzing the willingness of adoption, adoption time, and the favorable standards in procurement decision of aesthetic devices and medical imaging devices. The findings and conclusions drawn from the study show that the academic level and strategy objective of a hospital are associated with the willingness and adoption time of innovation. Academic medical centers are likely to adopt the innovative device earlier for researching purpose, whereas small-to-middle-sized hospitals would be early adopters of innovative products for strategic purpose. In addition, the features of devices also have substantial impacts upon innovative device adoption. Academic medical centers will be early adopters of the medical devices with significant medical necessity. The degree of technology involved and the length of product life cycle of medical devices will affect the medical procurement decision as well. Besides, the priority of distinct factors affecting medical procurement decisions varies from case to case. However, generally speaking, economic benefit will be the most important concern of both private and public hospitals. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 商管專業學院碩士學位學程(AMBA) 100380007 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1003800071 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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