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Title: | 不同的企業社會責任議題對品牌延伸之影響 The Effect of Different CSR Domains to Brand Extensions |
Authors: | 陳廣馨 Chen, Kuang Hsin |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 Chiou, Jyh Shen 陳廣馨 Chen, Kuang Hsin |
Keywords: | 企業社會責任 品牌延伸 Corporate Social Responsibility Brand Extension |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2014-04-01 11:14:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 幾十年來,企業社會責任早已被西方國家視為重要的議題之一,隨著時代與時俱進,企業履行社會責任在全世界蓬勃發展。企業在執行企業社會責任時,並不是每一項議題的履行消費者皆買單,Sen and Bhattacharya (2001)提出,消費者會因不同的企業社會責任議題而對公司產生不同的態度,意味著當消費者認同公司所執行的企業社會責任議題,對公司所推出的新品牌有正面的影響。
1. 當公司欲做品牌延伸時,可利用公司執行何種企業社會責任議題為優勢,以衡量或選擇公司能欲推出品牌延伸相似程度高、中、低之延伸性產品。
2. 公司欲做品牌延伸,若想延伸至較不同之產品品項時,可執行較廣泛之企業社會責任議題,讓消費者對公司產生認同感和好感,加深消費者對公司之品牌形象有助於品牌延伸至較不同之產品品項。
3. 企業可以選擇與公司產品相關的議題履行企業社會責任,當公司欲做品牌延伸時,在與公司既有產品屬性種類較為一致的前提下,可以延伸至相似度較不同的產品品項,消費者會因為公司所做的企業社會責任產生好感和信任公司能把延伸性產品做好之理由,給予的評價較高。
4. 就算企業平時皆有履行企業社會責任之活動,無論選擇議題為何,消費者認知到既有產品和延伸性產品之相似度過低,通常會質疑公司是否有能力處理研發、生產、通路、銷售延伸性產品等問題,進而不看好此既有產品的上市。
5. 企業未來若有意想做品牌延伸,可以以公司現有之產品,與欲延伸之產品兩者之間相似度為依據,於現階段選擇對的企業社會責任議題在社會上履行,強化消費者心中對公司或品牌的形象,未來當公司推出延伸性產品時能夠產生好的品牌形象及品牌聯想,進而提升消費者對延伸性產品的評價。 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been one of important issues over half decade. CSR occupied a significant place because people are more conscious of social issues and they expect global corporate would deal with it. The CSR separates into many domains, such as community support, environment etc. Sen and Bhattacharya (2001) show that consumers’ company or new product evaluations are not the same when they face with different CSR domains. The evaluation of new product will be positive when consumers support specific CSR domain.
On the other hand, the marketplace has been more competitive ever due to the globalization. Brand extensions become the source of growing strategy for many companies. There are two factors, product feature similarity and brand concept consistency will affect consumers’ evaluation of extending product. Thus, our research will focus on the different CSR domains will affect consumers’ extending product evaluations when companies conduct brand extensions.
Since there is no literature focuses on the relation between CSR domains and brand extensions, we manipulate three different CSR domains (diversity, employee support, product) and different levels of brand extensions (close, medium, far) through the experimental methods.
The results reveal that there is an interaction between CSR domains and brand extensions. Five conclusions as followed:
1. When company conducts brand extension, it can take the advantage with which CSR domain that company has. Company can measure and select the level of extending product which is be close, medium, or far.
2. When company conducts brand extension, it can implement the broader CSR domain. It can get consumers’ support, enhance the brand image, and induce consumers’ good evaluation to medium level of the extending product.
3. Company can choose CSR domain which relates to its product or service. When company takes brand extension, CSR domain conforms to its product feature or concept, the extending product can extend to more different from the existing product.
4. No matter what CSR domains the company chooses, consumers will doubt that company has capability of developing and manufacturing, when consumers are conscious of the extending product being far from the existing product.
5. If the company wants to conduct brand extensions in the future, it can select a specific CSR domain which can fit the existing and extending product. It will enhance the brand image. As the extending product launches, it will raise the consumers’ evaluation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易研究所 100351015 101 |
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