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Title: | 在自己的土地上漂流: 臺灣美麗灣度假村開發案爭議的民族誌研究 Rafting on Their Own Land:Ethnography of Development and Conflict on the Miramar Resort, Taitung, Taiwan |
Authors: | 卡伊 Kayi Aslan Demirtas |
Contributors: | 官大偉 Kuan, Da Wei 卡伊 Kayi Aslan Demirtas |
Keywords: | 阿美族 發展 原住民 民間興建營運後轉移 美麗灣 台東縣政府 在地利益 利害關係人 竹筏建造 觀光 商業投資 Amis community development indigenous Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Miramar Resort Taitung County Government locality of interests stake holders construction and launch of a traditional bamboo raft commercial venture tourism |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-02-10 15:07:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究透過針對台東縣都蘭社群建造傳統竹筏所記載的民族誌,探索該社群在政府授權的美麗灣民間興建營運後轉移模式(BOT)發展案中的角色與互動。研究內容包括了(1)對民間興建營運後轉移之模式的總體回顧,以及美麗灣此個案的評估。(2)在地阿美族社群對發展計畫反對的詳細論述。(3)在替代發展方案上的建議。我的田野調查包含了在社群集會與示威抗議活動上的參與觀察,但調查的重心則立基於一條阿美竹筏建造與出海的過程。本文的結論提供了一套能夠兼顧在地居民互動及外來廠商利益的發展方案,旨在透過融合相關各方的觀點以圖能夠減少衝突並促進共同利益。 This research explores the dimensions and interactions of the Amis community under the Miramar Resort (MR) Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) development project authorized by the local county government through an ethnographic approach on the construction of a traditional bamboo raft in the township of Dulan, Taitung, Taiwan. The content of this study includes (1) A status review of the BOT policy in general and the MR development project in particular, (2) A detailed account of the local Amis community’s opposition to the project, and (3) Suggestion on alternative methods of land management. My fieldwork includes participant observation in the context of seminar meetings and activist demonstrations. However the centerpiece of the research at Dulan revolves around my personal participation in the construction of an Amis traditional bamboo raft and its launching into the ocean. Conclusions offer alternative ways for the development of an area that is interactive with indigenous peoples and outside commercial interests. The perspective taken is aimed at alleviating conflict through incorporating the views of stakeholders in the best interests of all parties involved. |
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