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Title: | 辛亥革命期間中俄關係之研究 (1911~1912) A Study of Sino-Russian Relations during the Xin-hai Revolution, 1911~1912 |
Authors: | 陳奐宇 Chen, Huan Yu |
Contributors: | 林永芳 陳奐宇 Chen, Huan Yu |
Keywords: | 中俄關係 辛亥革命 地緣政治 Sino-Russo Relation Hsin-Hai Revolution Geopolitics |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2014-02-10 15:06:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文旨在透過對外交檔案的整理及文獻之評析,探討1911年至1912年,以辛亥革命事件為核心,前後期間的中俄兩國關係。1911年十月十日在湖北武昌所爆發的新軍起事,以及其後的一系列局勢變化,最終造成了大清帝國的崩潰,與中華民國的成立,是二十世紀東亞史上的重要事件。俄羅斯帝國與大清帝國及其後的中華民國有著綿長的陸緣國界,兩國的政治、經濟、外交、與軍事互動也對十九世紀中葉後的當代中國有著深遠且持續的影響。研究方式主要利用中國、俄國兩國當時之外交文獻架構兩國關係之經緯,佐證關係第三國,如日本與英國之外交文獻以建立較多面向之觀點。 本文將所欲探討之兩國辛亥革命期間關係問題依照其性質分為幾個面向,其一是依照發生時間、二是依照所涉入之政治實體、最後則是依照兩國利害互動之場域,以簡單整理討論之體系次序。 This thesis aims to sort through government diplomatic archives and historical literature, to analyze and discuss Sino-Russo relation centering the Hsin-hai Revolution period, from 1911 to 1912. The reformed army uprise that occurred in Wu-Chang, Hu-Pei on October, 10, 1911 and the following series of event it triggered eventually caused the collapse of the Ching dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China, making it an important event in 20th century East Asia history. Between the Russia Empire and the Ching Empire, along with the Republic of China, share a well extended border on land. The political, economic, diplomatic and military interaction between the two nations also has profound and lasting influence toward the becoming of modern China from the later part of the 19th century forward. The research was mainly done by organizing through diplomatic archives and memoir at the time to outline the framework of the two nations’ relationship, adding in documents from interest related nations such as Japan and the United Kingdoms to construct a more multi dimension perspective. This thesis separates the study of Sino-Russo relation events during the Hsin-Hai revolution period into several different dimensions. The first is the time the event takes place, the second is by the political entity involved in the event, and the third is the area of interest or conflict of the indicated event, to make out a basic order of discussion. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 俄羅斯研究所 95263005 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095263005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [俄羅斯研究所] 學位論文
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