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Title: | 數位原生代的閱讀傾向:紙本閱讀與網路閱讀之差異研究 Digital Natives’ Reading Preference: A Differential Study of the Paper-reading and the Web-reading |
Authors: | 湯雅芬 Tang, Ya Fen |
Contributors: | 余民寧 Yu, Ming Ning 湯雅芬 Tang, Ya Fen |
Keywords: | 閱讀傾向 數位原生代 閱讀態度 網路使用行為 閱讀素養 |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-02-10 15:04:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討數位原生代不同閱讀傾向者紙本與網路閱讀態度、網路使用行為、紙本與網路閱讀素養的表現差異與結構關係,以全臺各縣市國民中學學生為研究母群,共有1,952位國中生參與問卷調查。問卷所得資料以 檢定、獨立樣本平均數檢定、驗證性因素分析、結構方程式模型進行分析,統計分析結果如下:1.臺灣數位原生代網路閱讀傾向者的觀察個數為(974) > 期望個數(848) > 紙本閱讀傾向者的觀察個數為(723)。2.不同閱讀傾向者的紙本與網路閱讀態度、網路使用行為與紙本閱讀素養具有顯著差異;紙本閱讀傾向者在紙本閱讀態度與紙本閱讀素養的表現顯著高於網路閱讀傾向者,而網路閱讀傾向者在網路閱讀態度、上網時間與娛樂性網路閱讀的得分顯著高於紙本閱讀傾向者。3.紙本與網路閱讀態度、網路使用行為、紙本與網路閱讀素養的結構方程式模型大致上符合研究假設方向,不同閱讀傾向者的結構方程式模型僅在網路使用行為與紙本閱讀素養關係上有所差異。 This study investigated the differences and relationships of paper-reading attitude, web-reading attitude, Internet usage behavior, paper-reading literacy, and web-reading literacy between paper-oriented and web-oriented digital native readers. The 1,952 samples gathered by a questionnaire survey were from the Junior High Schools in Taiwan. The collected data analyzed by Chi-square test, t-test, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) showed the results as follow: 1. According to the test, it shows the following relationship: Among Taiwanese digital natives, the observed number of the web-oriented (974) > the expected number (848.5) > that of the paper-oriented (723). 2. There exist differences between the web-oriented and the paper-oriented readers on paper- and web-reading attitude, Internet usage behavior, and paper- and web-reading literacy. The paper-oriented outperformed the web-oriented in paper-reading attitude and literacy; partially as expected, the web-oriented scored higher than the paper-oriented in web-reading attitude, time spent online, and entertaining web-reading activities. 3. Basically, except the relationship of Internet usage behavior and paper reading literacy, SEM supported our research hypotheses. |
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