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Title: | 國立高級中等學校校務基金實施績效之探討 A Study of Implementation Performance for National Senior High Schools Operation Fund |
Authors: | 葉淳雯 |
Contributors: | 黃慶堂 葉淳雯 |
Keywords: | 國立高級中等學校校務基金 經營績效 資料包絡分析法(DEA) 麥氏指數 National Senior High Schools Operation Fund operation performance Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) Malmquist Index |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2014-02-10 15:04:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國國立高級中等學校實施校務基金之目的除了提升績效外,尚期以增進各校自籌財源之動力,以減輕政府財政負擔,自2007年起開始實施校務基金後之績效為何?值得進一步探討。
三、規模效率分析:2010、2011及2012年平均規模效率值依序為0.923、 0.908、0.908,表示各該年度尚有7.7%、9.2%及9.2%的效率改善空間。2010年以職業學校表現最佳,2011年以綜合高中表現最佳,2012年度以普通高中表現最佳。特教學校在三個年度的平均規模效率均為最差。
四、麥氏指數分析:2010至2012年度之總要素生產力變動值均小於1,呈現衰退現象, 2010至2011年度及2011至2012年度二個跨期均呈現衰退。
五、Tobit迴歸分析:除實施校務基金的年限無顯著影響外,學校區位、校舍面積及學校成立年限等三項外在環境對學校的經營績效均具有影響。 The purpose of national senior high schools in Taiwan implementing National Senior High Schools Operation Fund is not only improving performance, but also enhancing the schools’ self-motivation of the financial resources to reduce the fiscal burden of government. How is the performance of implementing National Senior High Schools Operation Fund since 2007?It is worthy of further study.
This study is based on Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluate the operating performance of national senior high schools from 2010 to 2012. In addition, this study uses Malmquist Index to measure the efficiency changes. Finally, Tobit regression analysis is used and tried to find effects of the external environment variables on the implemenetation performance of National Senior High Schools Operation Fund. The findings of this study are as follows:
1.Overall technical efficiency analysis:the average value of the overall technical efficiency is 0.712、0.714、0.705 in sequence of year 2010、2011 and 2012, and it means that the efficiency improvement is 28.8%, 28.6% and 29.5% each year. If we evaluate the performance of national senior high schools by category, the general high schools are the best, the comprehensive high schools are better than vocational high schools, and the special education schools are the worst.
2.Pure technical efficiency analysis.:the average value of the pure technical efficiency is 0.768、0.781、0.771 in sequence of year 2010、2011 and 2012, and it means that the efficiency improvement is 23.2%、21.9% and 22.9% each year. The general senior high schools are the best, the comprehensive senior high schools are better than vocational senior high schools, and the special education schools are the worst.
3.Scale efficiency analysis: the average value of the scale efficiency is 0.923、 0.908、0.908 in sequence of year 2010、2011 and 2012,and it means that the efficiency improvement is 7.7%、9.2% and 9.2% each year. The best performance is the vocational senior high schools in 2010, the comprehensive senior high schools in 2011, and the general senior high schools in 2012, the special education schools are the worst in all three years.
4.Malmquist Index analysis: the value of the total factor productivity change is totally less than 1 from 2010 to 2012, and shows the recession .And the inter-temporal total factor productivity changes show the recession from 2010 to 2011, and 2011 to 2012.
5.Tobit regression analysis: there is no significant impact in the factor of the years of the National Senior High Schools Operation Fund, but the external factors such as the size, the history, and the location of the schools, would affect the performance of national senior high schools. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 100921220 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100921220 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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