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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/63677

    Title: 航空業服務失誤與服務補救之探討 ─以某航空公司客艙服務為例
    Service Failure and Service Recovery In Airline Industry: A Study On Cabin Service of An International Airline
    Authors: 李亭嫻
    Lee, Tin Hsien
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Shang, Shari S. C.
    Lee, Tin Hsien
    Keywords: 服務失誤
    Service failure
    Service recovery
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2014-02-10 14:51:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 航空業面對外部環境的改變、國際油價不斷上漲的考驗,如何降低成本、增加附加價值與提升服務品質來達成顧客滿意並強化競爭力,已成為各家航空公司所努力的方向。航空業由於高度接觸顧客的特性,已由交通運輸業慢慢轉型為服務業,因此本研究的重點在於了解台灣國際航線班機上,客艙環境所產生的服務失誤為何,以及個案航空公司所建議採取的服務補救措施,以關鍵事件技術法(Critical Incident Technique,CIT)為主,文獻比較為輔,蒐集自民國97年1月至民國102年5月間個案航空公司服勤管理課公佈之「客訴案例」研討與建議改善事項,共130份資料,將服務失誤與服務補救分類後,整理分析了解個案航空公司常見的服務失誤以及所採用的服務補救方式,針對研究分析結果提出管理上的建議,作為個案航空公司與航空業界實務上的參考依據。
    Airline industry is facing changes in the external environment and test of rising international oil price. How to reduce cost, increase the added value and improve service quality to achieve customer satisfaction and be more competitive has become the first priority of all airlines. Due to the highly customer contact features, the airline industry has slowly transferred into service industry from transportation industry. This study is focused on what kind of service failures would be in the cabin and the service recoveries which the target airline suggested. The study is mainly based on Critical Incident Technique(CIT), and academic research as auxiliaries, collecting 130 critical incidents since January 2008 to May 2013 from target airline’s customer complaint cases and its suggested solutions. After classifying service failures and service recoveries, the study analyzes service failures in cabin and common make-up solutions of the target airline. In the end, according to the research results, the study proposes several managing suggestions as references to the airline industry.
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    5.交通部民用航空局(2012),民航局101年年報 ,取自:交通部民用航空局,登錄時間:2013年7月10日,網址: http://www.caa.gov.tw/BIG5/content/index.asp?sno=161
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