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Title: | 組織創新氛圍、個人創新行為及其個人績效之關係的研究—以T財團法人研究機構為例 An Empirical Study of the Relationship Among Organizational Innovative Climate, Individual Innovative Behavior and Performance: the Case of a Nonprofit Organization in Taiwan |
Authors: | 黃阿芬 Huang, A Fen |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 黃阿芬 Huang, A Fen |
Keywords: | 組織創新氛圍 個人創新行為 個人績效 Organizational innovative climate Individual innovative behavior Individual performance |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-02-10 14:49:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 面對全球科技創新與應用發展快速變遷,厚植組織的創新研發能量,為各界長期面對全球競爭的重要策略,而組織創新研發能量的建置,其關鍵因素在於組織成員的創造力及個人的創新行為,因此如何塑造良好的組織創新氛圍以提升員工的創造力、個人創新行為及個人績效,進而提升組織的整體營運績效,實為組織刻不容緩之議題。
(6)研發人員的個人背景並不會影響組織創新氛圍、個人創新行為及個人績效之表現 To face the quick change of global technolgical innovations and applications, one of the most important stratgies, that the enterprises use, is to strengthen their innovative and research capabilities. In addition, the key factor to enhance the organizational capabilities includes the creative capability of employees and individual innovative behavior. Thus, how to create the good orgnizational innovative climate, in turn, to improve the employees’ creativity and individual innoative behavior, and eventually to enhance the organizational performance becomes the critical issue.
Most of the previous studies concerning the relationships among the organizational innovative climate, individual innovative behavior and performance are conducted at the organizational level and within the context of western world. This study specially conducts anaysis at the individual level and selects the domestic organization as the research subject. To fill up with the research gap, the individual performance is evaluated both by themselves and by their supervisors to further address the differnce between these two approaches.
This study aims to investigate the cause-and-effect relationship among the organizational innovative climate, individual innovative behavior, and individual performance. A quantitative approach with questionnaire surveys is utilized. Eventually, 192 questionnaires are sent to the researchers who have been working for at least 1 year at T non-for-profit research organization. 160 questionnaires are collected so the effective response rate is 83.3%. The results of this study are summarized as follows:
(1)The organizational innovative climate was found to be conducive to enhance the individual performance of researchers.
(2)The individual innovation behavior was found to be conducivel to enhance the indiviual performance.
(3)The organization innovative climate was found to be conducive to enhance the individual innovative behavior of researchers.
(4)The individual innovative behavior of researchers was found to affect the relationship between the organzaion innovative climate and the individual preformance of researchers.
(5)The ratings by researchers themselves were found to be higher than those by their supervisors. Additionally, there is not evidence to substantiate the relationship between the organizational innovation climeane and the individual innovative behavior and performance rated by the supervisors.
(6)There is not evidence to substantiate the relationship between the organizational innovation climeane, the indicual innovative behavior and performance. "誌 謝 i
摘 要 ii
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的與問題2
第三節 論文架構4
第二章 文獻探討5
第一節 環境對創造力之影響5
第二節 組織創新氛圍11
第三節 個人創新行為18
第四節 個人績效23
第五節 組織創新氛圍、個人創新行為及個人績效間之關係30
第六節 文獻小結34
第三章 研究架構與方法35
第一節 研究架構35
第二節 研究變項與操作性定義 36
第三節 研究假說37
第四節 研究方法39
第五節 研究對象39
第六節 問卷設計及施測方法42
第七節 資料分析方法45
第八節 研究限制48
第四章 資料分析與研究結果50
第一節 研究變項之描述性統計 50
第二節 共同方法變異分析53
第三節 信效度分析53
第四節 分析與研究結果60
第五節 假設驗證結果68
第六節 研究結果討論69
第五章 結論與建議79
第一節 研究結論79
第二節 學術上的貢獻82
第三節 實務上的建議84
第四節 後續研究建議87
參考文獻 90
附錄四:控制變數與各問項之相關性(由主管評個人創新行為及個人績效)103 |
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