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    Title: 科技接受模式、認知價值與顧客滿意度、 顧客忠誠度之關係研究 -以「HAPPY GO卡手機版」APP 為例
    Research of the Relationship among Technology Acceptance Model , Perceived Value、Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in APP- An Case Study of 「HappyGo Card」App
    Authors: 吳惠恩
    Contributors: 祝鳳岡
    Keywords: 科技接受模式
    Technology acceptance model
    Perceived value
    Customer loyalty
    Customer satisfaction
    APP(AccelePerceived valrated Parallel Processing)
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2014-02-10 14:46:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 行動通訊科技日益進步,智慧型手機已跨入新媒體領域,加以 APP(手機應用程式)頻頻推出。不同消費者對APP所使用的態度是否有異,其接受APP的意向、使用行為又是如何,消費者的使用者特性會不會對接收APP的態度、意向、行為有所影響等議題,都值得有心運用APP以推廣消費者端服務的企業深入探討。

    本研究有鑑於「Happy Go卡」在台灣紅利點數較深厚的基礎與品牌知名度,特以「Happy Go卡手機版」APP為例,分析其使用消費者的人口變項,探討消費者使用「Happy Go卡手機版」APP所達到的科技接受模式、認知價值與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度,藉由各構面的量化測量結果,建構出推出「Happy Go卡手機版」APP所得到的使用具體成效。除了問卷調查法外,本研究亦針對店家與APP開發業者進行專家訪談與消費者的訪談,提出對「Happy Go卡手機版」APP功能改良的建議。

    本研究回收有效問卷573份,本研究採用信度分析、描述性統計、T檢定、因素分析、one-way ANOVA檢定、相關分析與迴歸分析等,進行資料統計解讀,

    1. 科技接受模式與認知價值之關係具顯著影響。
    2. 科技接受模式與使用滿意度之關係具顯著影響。
    3. 科技接受模式與使用忠誠度之關係具顯著影響。
    4. 認知價值與使用滿意度之關係具顯著影響。
    5. 認知價值對使用忠誠度具顯著影響。
    6. 使用滿意度對使用忠誠度具顯著影響。
    7. 人口統計變數中不同的性別,對認知價值有顯著差異。
    8. 人口統計變數中不同的年齡,對科技接受模式、認知價值、使用滿意度與使用忠誠度均有顯著差異。
    9. 人口統計變數中不同的婚姻狀況,對使用滿意度有顯著差異。
    10. 人口統計變數中不同的教育程度,對認知價值有顯著差異。
    11. 人口統計變數中不同的居住區域,對科技接受模式、認知價值有顯著差異。
    12. 人口統計變數中不同的職業類別,對科技接受模式、認知價值、使用滿意度與使用忠誠度均有顯著差異。
    Progress of mobile communications technology, smart phone have entered the field of new media. New APP (mobile application) frequently introduced.

    Different consumers use a different attitude to the APP, and how its intention to accept the APP, user behavior, user characteristics of consumers will have an impact on receiving attitude, intention and behavior of the APP.

    This study analyzes the "Happy Go Card Mobile" APP consumer demographic variables used to explore consumers` Happy Go Card Mobile "APP achieved technology acceptance model, perceived value and customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, by each facet quantitative measurements to construct launched the "Happy Go card mobile" APP obtained by the use of specific results. In addition to questionnaires, the study also conducted two interviews with APP for store development industry expert interviews were conducted with consumers interviews, proposed a "Happy Go Card Mobile" APP functional enhancement and improvement suggestions.

    In this study, 573 valid questionnaires, using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, questionnaire reliability analysis, T test and regression analysis, statistical analysis of data obtained for hypothesis testing.

    In this study, 573 valid questionnaires, this study adopts reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, T test, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA test, correlation analysis and regression analysis, performed statistical interpretation of data,
    Get hypothesis testing.

    The research results are as follows:
    1 A significant relationship exists between technology acceptance model,and perceived value.
    2 A significant relationship exists between technology acceptance model and user’s satisfaction .
    3 A significant relationship exists between technology acceptance model and user’s loyalty.
    4 A significant relationship exists between perceived value and user’s Satisfaction
    5 A significant relationship exists between perceived value and user loyalty.
    6 A significant relationship exists between user satisfaction and user loyalty.
    7 Demographic variables of gender, there are significant differences on the perceived value.
    8 Demographic variables of different ages, there are significant differences on technology acceptance model, perceived value, user satisfaction ,user loyalty .
    9 Demographic variables of different marital status, there are significant differences in user satisfaction.
    10 Demographic variables of the different educational levels, there are significant differences on the perceived value.
    11 Demographic variables of different residential areas,there are significant differences on technology acceptance model 、 perceived value.
    12 Demographic variables in different occupational categories ,there are significant differences on technology acceptance model, perceived value, user satisfaction ,user loyalty .
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