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Title: | 《1/3的真相》: 數位互動敘事App的實驗與開發 One Third of Truth: A Research and Development for an Interactive Narrative App |
Authors: | 陳莉雅 Chen, Li Ya |
Contributors: | 陳儒修 Chen, Ru Shou 陳莉雅 Chen, Li Ya |
Keywords: | App 互動性 數位敘事 跨媒介敘事 App Interactivity Storytelling Digital storytelling |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2014-02-10 14:45:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 新資訊科技演變速度之快,除了替市場帶來消費刺激之外,更對媒體的產製觀念與流程,形成不小衝擊,以說故事為軸心發展的相關產業因為其新媒體科技的轉變而產生不同的敘事方式,而近幾年崛起的App,也同樣對敘事產業造成影響。
最後,App開發完成,則會規劃試測活動邀請使用者試用、填寫問卷並進行焦點團體訪談,綜合檢視數位互動敘事的傳播效果,除了幫助App在上架前進行最後修正,更能給予後續創作者開發建議。 Today, new media technology advances so fast that it brings out significant impact to the process of media production, as well as the stimulation to the market. It also influences the way of narrating a story. The Apps that are increasingly popular in recent years seem to have the same effects on storytelling.
Most storytelling Apps in Taiwan today are mostly based on picture books or animation. Only a handful of them are developed by using filmic images with real actors. This project is designed to create an App, The One-Third of Truth, as a platform for a short film and to explore possible new paths to combine traditional ways of storytelling and new media.
On one hand, differences between traditional storytelling and digital one are examined, in terms of their narrative structures (linear vs. nonlinear), their interactive techniques, etc. On the other hand, the idea of digital storytelling is examined through the creation of the App.
Finally, after the App is designed and created, a testing process will be organized by inviting users to try this App, fill out questionnaires and conduct focus group interview. It is hoped that, before this App is open to the public, final modification will improve it and provide suggestions for future creation of the similar Apps. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣播電視學研究所 99453012 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099453012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [廣播電視學系] 學位論文
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