簡介:文山評論(ISSN print 2077-1282, online 2077-1290) is is a fully open access journal of Interdisciplinary nature indexed in ESCI, SCOPUS, and EBSCOhost. Issued biannually (June and December) both in print and online versions, the journal is based in the Department of English at National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, Taiwan. The main language medium is English but essays written in Chinese are also published.
Based in different parts of the world, members of the editorial team and international advisory board cover almost all research areas of literary and cultural studies, and include distinguished and chair professors, outstanding and award-winning scholars, and elected Fellows of the British Academy, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Academia Europea, the Royal Society of Canada, and the Linnean Society of London. Research articles and book reviews are welcome and so are proposals for special issues. The journal does not charge APCs or submission fees.
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