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    Title: 社會企業消費行為之研究 --以台灣大誌雜誌為例
    The Research on Consumer Behavior toward Social Enterprise – The Big Issue Taiwan
    Authors: 王志文
    Contributors: 黃秉德
    Huang, Bing De
    Keywords: 社會企業
    Social Enterprise
    Consumer Behavior
    Consumer Involvement
    urchase Decision Making
    The Big Issue
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-01-02 13:43:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年隨著世界經濟環境的動盪不安,世人熟知的營利企業及非營利組織對於社會影響的優缺點逐一被人們拿出來審視及討論,為了彌補政府、營利企業以及非營利組織,三方皆無法滿足的無效率區塊,社會企業如雨後春筍般的出現,以兼顧營利企業的獲利模式和達成社會目標的型態,逐漸獲得許多大眾及學術界的重視。然而,學術分野的壁壘分明,關於社會企業組織的研究鮮少於商學領域功能有所結合,導致社會企業在營運上,絕大部份僅能藉由過去針對營利企業的研究結果來做為參考。



    1. 社會企業情境下,人口統計變數對於消費者涉入程度,皆沒有顯著相關,與過去營利企業研究文獻結果,存在著差異。
    2. 不同涉入程度之消費者在購買決策過程各階段中,社會企業情境與營利企業情境的消費者行為差異不大,僅購買決策中的購買過程存在著顯著相關。
    3. 根據消費者深度訪談內容顯示,社會企業消費者終將回歸產品效益的考量,且以做公益及行善為出發點的購買動機,有隨著時間的遞移而減少的情況。
    In the growing trend of uncertainty in terms of global economy, people are getting more acquainted with the benefits and risk that business and non-profit-organization can bring to society. The inherent inefficiencies of government, business unit and non-profit-organization trigger more and more social enterprise come into existence and make their presence and importance unequivocal. However, the scarcity of academic research on the topics of managerial functions of social enterprise is totally opposite with this trend.
    This research use The Big Issue Taiwan as the social enterprise case, setting different demographic backgrounds, consumer involvement and purchase decision making as variables to summary the consumer behaviors toward social enterprise and the difference of consumer behaviors between social enterprise and for-profit business unit. In addition to the utilization of internet questionnaire as a mean to glean data, in-depth consumer interviews were also conducted in order to strengthen the reliability and validity of this research. The results of this research are listed in the following points:
    (1) In the context of buying social enterprise product, the demographic variables have no significant correlation which is opposite to the past academic result of for-profit business units.
    (2) In the context of buying social enterprise product, the correlation between consumer involvement and purchase decision making are similar with the past academic result of for-profit business units except the purchasing process.
    (3) Consumers who buy social enterprise products are proven to have the tendency of considering buying products as buying from for-profit business units, therefore, the abating motivation of buying social enterprise product out of benevolence is suggested according to the result of in-depth interviews.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1003550121
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