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    Title: 護理人員執業環境與護士荒
    Nursing working conditions and nursing shortage
    Authors: 李婷
    Li, Ting
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei Chun
    Li, Ting
    Keywords: 護理人員
    nursing staff
    nursing shortage
    working conditions
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-01-02 13:30:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究希望瞭解護理人力不足的主因,探究護理人員的執業環境與勞動條件存在哪些不合理的現象,始導致「護理人力不患寡,臨床人力卻吃緊」。綜觀國內針對護理人員離職的研究,多數採量化研究且著重於離職傾向,護理人員並未實際具有離職經驗,對護理人員的離職因素較無法深入掌握。因此本研究利用質性深度訪談法,訪談九位曾在臨床服務一年以上的離職護理人員,透過她們的工作歷程來瞭解護理人員所處的執業環境與勞動條件,並歸納出護理人員離職的因素為何,期能找到「護士荒」釜底抽薪解決之策。根據本研究發現,護理人力緊縮為護理人員執業環境惡化的源頭,造成護理人員與病患人數不成比例的「失衡護病比」。人力不足造成工作量超出負荷,卻被醫院濫用責任感來加以掩飾,護理人員陷入每天「超時工作」與「工作量無法負荷」的困境中。若再遇上畸形班表,護理人員不僅沒有充裕的睡眠,休假亦成為她們調整生理時鐘的時間,遑論家庭及人際關係的兼顧。加上近年來醫院評鑑的文書工作爆增與在職進修課程的要求,以上因素不僅剝奪了護理人員「合理的休息與休假時間」,也造成護理人員搏命上班,必須燃燒自己來守護別人的健康。執業環境的惡化更與護士荒形成惡性循環,倘若你我繼續忽視她們所處的勞動處境,最終損失的是一個個有熱忱的護理人員,未來等著我們的將是護理人力缺乏與照護品質的惡化。因此本研究根據結論,提出法律面、政策面及社會面三方,該如何改善她們不友善的執業環境,讓護理人員及社會大眾達到護病關係雙贏的局面。
    The purpose of this thesis was to understand the main cause of nursing shortage by exploring nursing practice environment and working conditions. Most of domestic research on the issue of nurses’ turnover focused on turnover intention, which is the attitude dimension rather than the behavioral one. Therefore, this study uses a depth interviews to trace the course and the experience of their working situation as well as working conditions by interviewing nine leavers who have had more than one year of nursing experience. This study found that nursing manpower crunch deteriorated the environment for nursing practice, resulting in the disproportionate ratio of nurses to patients. Nursing shortage further worsens the existing problem of overtime and overload for those who are still hanging there, while hospitals used to say those nursing practitioners are workers who are not covered by regular working time stipulations, which is of course not true. The situation gets worse when outrageous nursing manpower arrangement is considered. As a result, nurses do not have enough sleep, let alone the time for family and social activities. Even the occasional leave break becomes luxurious and oftentimes is the time for them to adjust to their biological rhythm. Together with the paperwork of recent hospital accreditation imposed on them and on-job-training requirements, the above mentioned problems not only deprived nurses of reasonable rest and vacation time, but also held them accountable to guarding others’ health at the expense of their own. The deterioration of the environment and the shortage of nurses are a vicious cycle. If we continue to ignore their working situation, the loss we all have to bear is more and more dedicated nurses are forced to leave this trade and quality care will be jeopardized. Therefore, this paper suggests that the government, hospitals and the people have to jointly come up with new policy and strategy to reform and improve their working environment in order to achieve a win-win situation between nurses and patients.
    Reference: 一、中文文獻

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