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    Title: 我國原住民於臺北都會地區就業之研究︰一個社會資本的觀察
    Employment of Indigenous People in Taipei Metro. Area︰A Study of Social Capital
    Authors: 楊錦青
    Yang, Chin Ching
    Contributors: 彭立忠
    Yang, Chin Ching
    Keywords: 社會資本
    Social Capital
    Indigenous People
    Bonding Social Capital
    Bridging Social Capital
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2014-01-02 13:29:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究在將社會資本分為黏著性社會資本及架接性社會資本兩類概念下,採用質性研究的研究途徑,藉由立意抽樣及滾雪球方式,深度訪談了28位從原鄉進入台北都會地區就業之原住民,探討目前已經在台北都會地區就業或正在尋找工作中之原住民,其在離開原鄉前往台北都會地區就業過程中,社會資本對於其個人就業之影響情形,並在研究發現及相關結論下針對原住民就業提出相關政策建議供政府施政參考。
    This study categorizes the concepts of social capital into bonding social capital and bridging social capital. By using Qualitative research methods and through purposive and snowball sampling, in-depth interviews were given to 28 indigenous person who moved out from indigenous areas to Taipei metro. area to explore the influence of social capital on each individual’s employment in the process of seeking jobs. The finding results are evaluated and advices will be made to the government for policy making regarding the employment of indigenous people.
    Data of this study are analyzed into 3 phrases︰「What is the future of the indigenous areas 」、「drifting into cities after leaving homeland」and「rooting and hard-working in Taipei city」. Each phrase owns its distinct characteristics. The finding results of phrase one show that the bonding social capital plays a main role deciding the whereabouts of the indigenous people. This specific social capital is consisted of “sibling love(clanship)”,“parenthood” and “fellowship”. In the second phrase, it became obvious that the indigenous people are affected by the boding social capital on different levels. The prior provides its people an essential spiritual support and a sense of home when facing difficulties outside hometown. For those who lack of bonding social capital would reply on connections with bridging social capital, and benefit from it.
    The third phrase is a continuous process of building a new social capital, and it’s where bridging social capital is at its best. Social capital at this phrase is centered at friendship that are made through learning or working. In the process of merging with new social capital, not only does inter-sphere, inter-race with the Han people occur, pseudo-bridging social capital also appears as the result of the rise of ethnic consciousness from the interaction between tribes.
    Based on the findings, the major theoretical discussions are stated below : 1.Although financial problem is the main reason explaining indigenous peoples leaving indigenous area for employment, on the topic of how to leave the area and how to financially support themselves outside hometown, almost all interviewees reveals that the decisions regarding working regions and vocation options are made under the influence of the social capital. 2.Strong tie is a bounded solidarity limiting the development and innovation of individual, however it becomes the reason for indigenous people to walk out of the hometown. 3.The fact that indigenous people are the disadvantaged on the labour market can not be fully attributed to the internal factors of indigenous people. 4.Expanding the social capital is beneficial to indigenous people seeking for employment in the Taipei metro. area, and bridging social capital is particularly helpful with white collar jobs. In addition, the helping action caused by social capital is not fully motivated financially, but voluntarily. 5.The core value of social capital of indigenous people differs from the core value of kinship and family of the Han people, it is rather friendship made through working and daily life. This Social Capital processes alienability and not inheritability 6.Under the pressure from main stream society, social capital of the indigenous people transforms into the community of ethnic consciousness rather than the consideration of reciprocity.
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